[REQ] Component paint.
Okay, this is a huge stretch bordering on a delusional dream.
Is this even possible in SU? and if so who can create it, obviously it should be a commercial plugin if possible.
AutoModeller Pro
AutoModeller Pro is a new game-changing modelling plugin for AutoDesk 3ds Max, that allows you to texture your objects with 3D Meshes.
AutoModeller Pro: Changing the Way you Paint Scenes
AutoModeller Pro is a new plugin for 3ds Max, which allows to paint a group of meshes onto your existing scene geometry.
I want a way to populate/distribute nurnies and greebles on large areas with some accuracy/control, see image below, there are hundred of nurnies and I'd like to be able to select say 20 of them and brush them onto surfaces.
Theoretically, it should be possible.
But uniquely bending like this would generate lots and lots of unique components. -
Do you suppose there would be work-arounds or a way to reduce the memory, despite the quantity of components? Like... inventing components that bend with reduced complexity?
I'm wondering if Thomthom's plugin work might actually help solve that issue?
Or... as Pete suggested... It's a pipe dream? -
Maybe as a part of Skatter 2.0?
Delicious tool!
I'm with Jiminy on this one.
Even if you could create fast algorithms in C++ (or whatever) that calculates this, there still remains the question of adding dense geometry in Sketchup at instant feedback speed. Don't know if that has been resolved in latest updates ? Working on old version
i guess some sort of geometry -> point cloud proxy is needed. should see how skp handles 100,000 construction points, never tried that