[Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails to Lattice
i am using EEbyEdges, and when i try to use it, i cant select anything at all.
can u explain me every step that i should do.Should i select the profile etc before i run the plugin?
Draw your curves
then call the plug
then click your Profil, Rail 1, Rail 2, melding profil (depending of what Extrude Edges tools you use and number of curves)
that all -
IF you are trying to use 'EEbyEdges' why are you posting in the 'EEbyRailsByLattice' thread ?
IF you read the instructions for EEbyEdges you will see that it is somewhat different from the other tools...
For this tool you must make two separate groups containing the sets of edges you want to use.
These need not be 'curves' or even 'connected' edges - just some 'edges' [aka 'lines'].
With those two groups selected you then run the tool EEbyEdges...After the extrusions are made there are questions about orienting faces, reversing faces etc etc...
sorry i'm getting a bit confused by the names of the diffrent plugins , anyway problem is solved.
thank you very much, and congrats for the tool, its amazing -
Thanks for an absolutely amazing plugin. I've just started using it and am in awe.
I am having one problem though... I'm trying to create a rather complex shape and have found that the only way to do this is by using EEby RailsByLattice bit by bit to create the shape (a kind of circular undulating canopy, if that makes any sense). My Profile is a straight line divided into 14 equal pieces and combined into a polyline. My rails are both polylines with 5 equal sized segments in a curve (they are not identical, one rail is shorter and creates a taper for the circular shape). The melding profile is another straight line, 14 equal segments and combined into a polyline. At first I had no problems. Then making the third one my computer made it through the entire process with no problems and then SketchUp crashed immediately after clicking "no" to "erase original curves." No biggie, I save often. Problem is that it is happening more and more. I've made 10 of these shapes (though no two are identical) and now it crashes multiple times for each one that I do. Always at the same point. I'm afraid to click "no."
Do I have too many faces for SketchUp, or am I doing something wrong?
Any help on this would be great. Thanks!
Try making it in an empty SKP.
If it's likely to try and make faces <1mm across OpenGL and Sketchup might have issues.
If so scale up x10 do the EEby... and then scale back x0.1 - small faces can 'exist', it's just making them that proves problematical!
If you can't resolve it try posting the SKP here and let us have a look at it... -
Thanks, I'll give that a go as I have another set of these to create. For the one I was working on I did create another SketchUp file and as I made the pieces I copied them into the original drawing and deleted them from the one I was using to create the pieces. This was much more stable.
I'm sure that there are some small spaces that are causing the issue. Thanks again! This tool is amazing!
WOWW!! this would mean parametrix design via sketchup limitless. can't wait to try it. thanks broo..
You can use the 'weld' plugin ( http://www.smustard.com/script/Weld ) to join arcs together, infinitely, before using this plugin; helping to create very complex shapes in the same number of clicks (4 base curves still apply!):
What am I doing wrong, I'm trying to extrude to a 3D lattice and I put in the depth and materials etc but it just gives me faces...as in not extruded into a frame ???
Is this EEbyRailsToLattice, OR LatticeMaker ?
I suspect the latter ?
Which is a sibling tool...
Can you post a [simple] SKP showing your "starting position" - e.g. curves or surface etc...