Component missing in Cut List export csv
Wondering if anyone could shed some light on a component missing from a csv file when I use the "Cut List 4.1.x" plugin to export a component list?
File Attached:Test.skpFile
The "Infill" component doesn't export unless the Bolt is either deleted or removed from inside the Infill component.
It's a very simple Export... Just CSV, with the table "Sorted by size". No layout or svg or board feet forced.
Sketchup8 and 2015Pro on Win7 64Bit (su_cutlist_extension.version = "4.1.7")
You have the bolt component nested inside the Infill component. When components or groups are nested, CutList thinks the outer ones are assemblies, not parts, so it doesn't list them. If you need to treat the bolt and the channel part of the infill as a single assembly, edit the existing component, select all its contents except the bolt, and create a new component. It will then be nested at the same depth as the bolt, and will show up in CutList.