Changes to multiple scenes
Hi Guys,
Is it possible to make changes to more than one scene. I have a number of scenes and I's like to change the date and time (to change the shadows) in all the scenes. I's also like to turn off a certain layer in all the scenes. Is there a way to select them all and make the change globally rather than going through each one individually?
Thank You.
(Pro 2015. W7, 64.) -
This could be done by a plugin or maybe a Ruby snippet entered in the Ruby Console, but if you are asking about doing it via the regular SketchUp GUI I believe the answer is no.
JF Add Layer controls visibility (works for existing layers too). Shadow change is more involved. I could see switching off the shadow memory for each layer, and reset but that's still a lot to do.
Is Renderiza's rescene useful for you -
It's a but clunky and you might need to teach yourself on a copy of the file but it's pretty useful