[REQ] CSV to Material
Hello, exist a plugin that generate me Materials like Colors-Named with import via CSV?
Material Name,Picker, R,G,B
0001 PaleVioletRed,RGB,219,112,147 for the RGB Picker
0001 PaleVioletRed,HSB,340,48,85 for the HSB Picker
0001 PaleVioletRed,HLS,340,59,64 for the HLS Picker.
There are many examples of plugins which read lines of data from a CSV file, or similar.
See my LayersFromList.rb as an example - this makes a Layer [or finds it if it exists] and [re]sets its color using RGB values.
With a Material it can be very similar - with the RGB, you can also add a final A value [float] between 0.0 and 1.0 to set transparency.
If you add the extra option from the 'Picker' - RGB, HSB, HSL then you need to add in an extra test for that and reset the color accordingly...
You could also add extra data for a Texture file path, size etc, allowing you to created a textured-material... -
hi TIG, when i would be a programer, i would understand what you write.
ruby code is for me like "double dutch" i don't understand what i see.thanks for your answer.