Yo, architects!
What are facade panels like the ones in the photos below called in English (or French, or German ...)? I'd like to Google more pics like these, but I have no idea what search terms I should use.
The panel between glass areas in a curtain wall facade is called a "spandrel."
Cool. Thanks alot!
Look at the Mapes panels as well.
you could also try "spandrel glass" to differentiate from the gothic spandrel
Hi, here are my German proposals
This type of facade is called "Pfosten Riegel Fassade" here.
The elements which are not transparent, are called:
Blindelement (for google search: Fassaden Blindelement)
Blind Paneel (for google search: Fassaden Blind Paneel)
Füllung (for google search: Fassaden Füllung)I hope I have understood your question correctly
In French
Façades en panneaux de résine "Trespa"(who is the name of the material)
Danke schön, merci bien.