[Plugin] Finite Element Analysis (FEA) - Spring-mass model
A free one: Z88
(not for SU)
It seems that somebody is trying to write something similar
the structural part is still not available... but it will probably include some finite elements program...
@qpik said:
Since I'm an architect I've been looking for an easy way to incorporate FEA into SU. This would add a completely new dimension to design in SU.
After browsing through some books I found the math a bit to hard so I decided to start off with a simple spring-mass model (to be exact it's not 100% real, instead of a=F/m, s~F/m)
[attachment=0:2f7ju4i2]<!-- ia0 -->simple_springs.rb<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2f7ju4i2]
Here is a video example:
[flash=425,344:2f7ju4i2]http://www.youtube.com/v/ojtHu1yZSUQ&hl=pl_PL&fs=1&rel=0[/flash:2f7ju4i2]I hope someone with strong mathematical background would take this on or help me to go on.
What about SketchyPhysics? I tried it couple of times but I'm not sure it's suitable for this purpose.Kuba
@glro said:
It seems that somebody is trying to write something similar
the structural part is still not available... but it will probably include some finite elements program...
Yes, of course ... I'm a structural engineer .... I want to extend TECLA (see the project home
to build a FEM software based on SU. Ad the moment I'm developing the Architectural modulus (that will be, with some changes, the Pre_processor).
I'm looking for some FEM software open-source and find some:Calculix, GmsH, FreeFEM++ but nothing in ruby!!! Someone has news?
@bomastudio said:
@glro said:
It seems that somebody is trying to write something similar
the structural part is still not available... but it will probably include some finite elements program...
Yes, of course ... I'm a structural engineer .... I want to extend TECLA (see the project home
to build a FEM software based on SU. Ad the moment I'm developing the Architectural modulus (that will be, with some changes, the Pre_processor).
I'm looking for some FEM software open-source and find some:Calculix, GmsH, FreeFEM++ but nothing in ruby!!! Someone has news?
i am afraid you won't find anything in Ruby; the language has not been used for structural analysis, as far as i know
but it might not be a problem; you could link a program in Ruby, to another program in another language, by exchanging information through text files
i did it between Ruby and Basic, and it worked...
@unknownuser said:
i am afraid you won't find anything in Ruby; the language has not been used for structural analysis, as far as i know
but it might not be a problem; you could link a program in Ruby, to another program in another language, by exchanging information through text files
i did it between Ruby and Basic, and it worked...yes, it could be done....
But, as I'm tryng to develop a FEM engine by myself (I wrote a 2D fem program in MATLAB at University some years ago...), I need a solid matrix/linear algebra library in Ruby. Now the aim is to use it inside SU both in Windows (& Linux+wine) and OSX. I found Matrix.rb but I don't like it ... any suggestion and how use with SU?
I've just started to use SketchUp, but I have a lot of experience in writing FEA code. One thought I had was to link SketchUp with FEMhub which is being developed with a web-based interface so it could be used in a web view via a plugin. They are working on 1D, 2D, and 3D solvers. Their web interface is a bit much for a plug-in, but it's probably a good place to start.
@bomastudio said:
@glro said:
It seems that somebody is trying to write something similar
the structural part is still not available... but it will probably include some finite elements program...
Yes, of course ... I'm a structural engineer .... I want to extend TECLA (see the project home
to build a FEM software based on SU. Ad the moment I'm developing the Architectural modulus (that will be, with some changes, the Pre_processor).
I'm looking for some FEM software open-source and find some:Calculix, GmsH, FreeFEM++ but nothing in ruby!!! Someone has news?
Very interesting idea to have a FEA ruby. I'll be watching to see if anything develops on that front. I sort of agree with the general idea that it may be better to write a translator from SU to an existing FE program, but if it can be done within SU all the better. It does seem like a huge amount of work, though
Update: I found (thanks to Google!!) this project
Frame3DD - Static and Dynamic Structural Analysis of 2D and 3D Frames
Free software for static and dynamic analysis of 3D moment-resisting elastic frames and trusses. Written in ANSI C. Source code includes: frame analysis with elastic and geometric stiffness, LDL' decomposition, LU decomposition, Newton-Raphson iteration, sub-space iteration, Stodola iteration, static condensation, Guyan reduction, dynamic condensation, Matlab support and spreadsheet support. Graphical output and mode shape animation via Gnuplot.
released under GPL for Linux (wow!!!), Mac and Windows.
It seems very good...... now I'm asking to the author if Frame3DD supports rigid link to model unaligned elements (colums and beams as in the following image -
Was wondering if there's been any development on this.
Through the last post i found the following.
But I'm just not good enough at this sort of thing to get it to work... -
Hi guys! I've been away for a while. Anything new in the topic?
I'm trying the Frame3D and found this video of another combination - SketchUp/GoSimulate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCVoa1u-9BM
Seems like someone made it
Edit: Actually no. Should've watched it until the end. So there's still a niche.
"but at least SU could be used as the CAD modeller for GMSH?"
(from a previous post)The "Meshkit" plugin from Peter V seems to do that.
Did someone try it ?
Because each time I launch SU (SU2015 Make or SU8) I have errors like "Error Loading File C:/Users/PC/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/pv_sketchytetgentools/pv_sketchytetgentools_class_loader.rbe"
etc.I haven't found any information about this plugin on the forum.
So I post here and hope someone might help with my installation problem.Cheers.