Sketchup won't recognize my ` key, HELP!
Hi Fellow Sketchuppers,
I, since years use the(grave/left tick) key as my select tool shortcut. Recently something happened and sketchup stopped recognizing the keystroke. When I try to assign the key in the shortcuts menu nothing shows up at all in the window. I have tried changing my region settings to different keyboards (US, US international) etc to no avail. The key is recognized in all other software, except sketchup. I have no idea why this should happen nor how to resolve this. If someone here has any suggestions I'll be grateful because by now I have
key etched in my head as a finger memory and it is becoming really difficult to adapt to spacebar.
Please help!!P.S. It happens in both 2014 & 2015 versions. I am using an apple bluetooth keyboard with winodows 7 on a late 2012 iMac via bootcamp.
I sympathize! We used to call this "baby duck syndrome" (the first one you saw will always be your mother). Way too many years later I still unconsciously type ctrl-K to erase a line.
I just tried, and I can use the
key for SketchUp 2015 shortcuts on my 2012 MBP Retina using Yosemite. Since this started with SU 2014 I suspect it has to do with UniCode, which was not standard on Windows versions before then. If you can find a keycode reporter for WIndows, you could run that and see what code the
key is sending. It may be one that SketchUp isn't set up to handle. It may then be possible to alter the mapping either in the keyboard driver or WIndows to get it back to something SketchUp will accept. -
Hi slbaumgartner,
Thanks for the help. I tried sharpkeys and remapped my grave key to space bar and that seems to work in sketchup but I tried to find out what keystorke it was recording and it seems to be grave itself. I'm attaching a screencap. I didn't much understand the unicode thingy you mentioned but this workaround seems to work for now.
I don't think I use the grave key for anything else so it should not be a problem (The only other time I remember using the grave was for entering the cheat mode in Doom or Duke Nukem). Although I'll miss the tilde key for ending chapters if I ever write a book
If you or anyone else has any suggestions to permanently resolve this issue I'll be really grateful.
Thanks again.
I can use it as a Shortcut key in the 'mac' version of SU on my iMac running Yosemite...
Does Bootcamp remap the keyboard?
@driven said:
I can use it as a Shortcut key in the 'mac' version of SU on my iMac running Yosemite...
Does Bootcamp remap the keyboard?
Hi John,
It's not bootcamp. I've been running sketchup on windows via bootcamp since years. It's something that changed recently that's done this. I can't figure out what.
The thing is I can still use the grave key on the mac version when I run it. So it's definitely windows/sketchup issue.