Viewport scale not checked-off
Why would a viewport set to a certain scale not have it checked-off in the scale list fly-out in the context menu? Please see attached. Some viewports in the same drawing do exhibit the scale correctly. Others do not.
It seems like this has come up before. I don't know why it does that but it seems, at least for me, that if the scale is set in the SketchUp inspector, the scale doesn't show checked in the context menu list. If I set the scale via the context menu, it is. It's never been a problem for me but I always set the scale in the inspector window and since it's always displayed in the tray, I can look there to get the scale info if I needed it.
when you say 'tray', are you referring to the measurements indicator at the lower right of the screen? if so, it does not display the scale in my version 2015.0.9350.
No, the tray is the area on the right with the different inspector windows. Well, it's on the right by default but perhaps you've closed it so you aren't familiar with it?
If the measurements box in the lower right corner isn't displayed, very likely you need to maximize the window so the bottom of the window isn't dropping below the bottom of the screen.