3D Printer SERIES X WIP/Project
Hope you like it
Nice design!
(For a 4 color print head, you should choose different colors)
@cotty said:
Nice design!
(For a 4 color print head, you should choose different colors)
What colors would you recommend ?
Does not matter, the main thing is there are 4 different
Maybe I've interpreted the image wrong, thought these are the filaments, but now it looks like the wiring...
yes, you are right, those are for heating the printing heads. And the black wires nearby are for heat sensor. The filaments go trough the (rubber) tubes on the top. And the electrical goes trough the coil spring reinforced tube.
On my monitor, the lighting is a little dark, but the model, colors and overall render are fantastic!
Real project, or just for fun? Great renders!
@d12dozr said:
Real project, or just for fun? Great renders!
I hope it will end up like a real thing. Because it started like that, but then something happened and the project was stalled. I want to revive it eventually, because it's really promising.
This particular renders were made as a portfolio/fun; just tried to improve/replace the existing ones (that I made for the actual project). -
Nice modeling and render
I'm curious, the home 3D printer market is getting really competitive, what features would make yours stand out from the crowd (aside from the fact that it looks really cool
@hellnbak said:
Nice modeling and render
I'm curious, the home 3D printer market is getting really competitive, what features would make yours stand out from the crowd (aside from the fact that it looks really cool
- First of all, it has a much bigger printing plate (about 1ft x 1ft) with more than 1ft in height (more "industrial" use, not only "hobby").
- Then, it can print with 4 materials simultaneously (on the same model, I mean).
- Third: has a enclosed environment (temperature and airflow controlled). That means a bigger printing speed (optimal material hardening speed due cooling-down) and no dust.
- Has interior light
- It can be suited with a small computer to process basic functions like loading models from USB/SD, basic displaying on a touchscreen... it can be Android based, for example. So that means that in certain situations you won't even need a PC to run it.
Want more?
We are not fully aware yet of the final costs of the electronics, but as for now this BIG one can achieve a pretty competitive price, compared with "home printers".
Let me preface this by saying that I do not claim to be any sort of expert on 3D printers (or anything else). I have been following their development and some of their more impressive accomplishments on the web, but that's about it.
Also I know that your purpose in posting this model is to show the model, not to go into detail about it's various features. So please feel free to ignore my (probably dumb) questions.@derei said:
@hellnbak said:
Nice modeling and render
I'm curious, the home 3D printer market is getting really competitive, what features would make yours stand out from the crowd (aside from the fact that it looks really cool
@derei said:
First of all, it has a much bigger printing plate (about 1ft x 1ft) with more than 1ft in height (more "industrial" use, not only "hobby").
When you say that those dimensions are "much bigger", do you mean bigger than the average home printer? Actually, to me, that doesn't seem all that large. (please see my disclaimer above
@derei said:
Then, it can print with 4 materials simultaneously (on the same model, I mean).
When you say "simultaneously" do you mean at the same time? Wouldn't that require four separate printing heads? That doesn't seem possible. Or do you mean it can switch between the different materials? Don't other printers do this?
@derei said:
Third: has a enclosed environment (temperature and airflow controlled). That means a bigger printing speed (optimal material hardening speed due cooling-down) and no dust.
Is this unique to your design, or is it something few others offer?
@derei said:
Has interior light
Seems like this would be a pretty common feature. Am I wrong?
@derei said:
It can be suited with a small computer to process basic functions like loading models from USB/SD, basic displaying on a touchscreen... it can be Android based, for example. So that means that in certain situations you won't even need a PC to run it.
Again, is this something unique to your design, or something relatively rare?
@derei said:
Want more?
We are not fully aware yet of the final costs of the electronics, but as for now this BIG one can achieve a pretty competitive price, compared with "home printers".
I don't mean to disparage your model. Maybe it's not the uniqueness of it's features, but your particular design of them, that makes your printer noteworthy. Or maybe it's the combination of those features in one printer.
Probably my curiousity is in part fueled by the fact that I have considered investing in one of these marvels. And am still considering it. I probably would have bought one by now if it wasn't such a relatively new technology and it's evolving so quickly that anything available today will be outdated tomorrow -
Yes, much bigger than average "home" printers (but there are bigger, I am sure... they are just not that common, so not averaging
Yes, it will have 4 printing heads (look closer to the printing heads detail render) that are simultaneously loaded with 4 wires and it can switch on the same model.
And the other features are something that the vast majority of printers on the market don't offer. Most printers are printing in open environment and they don't use any integrated computers, because they are meant to be controlled by one (via usb) all the time. This one we designed could be made in both versions...either self-controlled, or cheaper (with the need of a external computer).Unfortunately, for now is just a project... but I hope that will change in the future (it is a collaboration work).
Very nice renders and a great project, good luck to you.