Grumman G-44 Widgeon
@chedda said:
Looks good but i think it needs motion blur propellors.
I agree.
Working out how to best do those. I have some ideas.
@andyc said:
Lovely model. Compositionally I'd go for a lower camera angle (I think your background plate could just about sustain this), and would tilt the aircraft slightly off horizontal, to make it feel a bit more dynamic. Great work
Excellent suggestion.
Suggested composition change. Tweaked lighting. Props coming next.
Looks good. My only thought is that I'd tilt the nose of the plane up just a touch more. See how at the moment the wings and horizontal tail-planes seem to touch? Tilt the nose up a bit and you'll get a bit of blue sky between them, and the model will "read" better. Hope that makes sense. Such a great, clean model!
@andyc said:
Looks good. My only thought is that I'd tilt the nose of the plane up just a touch more. See how at the moment the wings and horizontal tail-planes seem to touch? Tilt the nose up a bit and you'll get a bit of blue sky between them, and the model will "read" better. Hope that makes sense. Such a great, clean model!
Good suggestion. I agree. Will do that.
@andyc said:
My only thought is that I'd tilt the nose of the plane up just a touch more.
By golly you're right! Looks much better now
Some minor fixes.
Hey Brian these textures might be handy
Also this HDRI
The sky works fine check it out !
Thanks Simon! Both downloaded.
Sorry there have been no updates. My day job has been very busy this month.