JPG file shows as a green rectangle
you don't have x-ray on in your version 6... do you?
Thanks John
Definitely not that - just to be certain I tried turning x-ray on and off - nothing happened.
It's a cliche on the support and discussion forums, but posting a question without attaching a model or even a screenshot leaves us guessing. If you get lucky, someone remembers encountering what sounds like your issue before. Otherwise...

You make a good point slbaumgartne.
So here are two screen shots.
Version 5 shows the jpg file as it should be in Version 6. In Version 6 it’s just “greened” out.
Remember that if I copy the image from Version 5 to 6 it reproduces greened out. But strangely if I copy the greened out image in Version 6 into version 5 it shows correctly!
I trust the screen shots help – if you need the model then I am happy to send it but I would prefer not to post it. – It is a fairly large file.
It’s probably worth noting that there are several other jpg files in the model all of which show correctly in both versions.
is the material 'IN' the version 6 model materials collection...
thinking out loud...
a texture has 2 definitions in a skm file one is 'Average Color' and the other is 'Texture' which needs to be a ref image file...
you don't ever see them, but if a 'Texture' ref was missing or corrupt, it would still show the average color.
also if your re-importing a same name material, SU will carry on using the first...
Save the skm out of version 6 and post it...
john -
@jamesp said:
Version 5
of SketchUp? -
John may be onto seems possible that when you reinstalled Windows and SketchUp you lost the image file that was originally used by the texture. Can you locate it on your disk and check it with a image viewer?
@slbaumgartner said:
John may be onto seems possible that when you reinstalled Windows and SketchUp you lost the image file that was originally used by the texture. Can you locate it on your disk and check it with a image viewer?
I'm thinking of the reference to it inside the skm, SU appears to use the external reference until the material is 'Saved' to the model and then it uses the internal reference...
The material in 5 must have the internal reference, so it's good, but in 6, if it's reliant on the external file.
because SU thinks the v6 one is good, it won't update that Material, so it needs to be fully deleated and purged before the v5 one will work in v6...
clear as mud???
Thanks all for the valuable input.
I comment on your observations as they arise – by the way, why can’t I see my screen print uploads? Have I not done it right?
I’m using version 8 Pro of SU.
Driven: Your 4:48 p.m. post: I really don’t understand what you are getting at. SKM File? The greened out area is definitely a jpg file. Several other jpg files exist ok in both my versions.
If my version 5 is showing the jpg file OK, then why not my version 6? After all I am viewing both versions with the same copy of SU. Both versions were created before the reinstallation of Windows and SU.
I can’t find a trace of the image file either on the present installation or the old one – (In the reinstallation I replaced the discs but I have the old disc installed as well so that I can reinstate data files easily without resorting to a backup.
So if the original file is missing, why can my version 5 still show the jpg OK?
Yes, driven, it is as clear as mud – almost.
If you could tell me how to purge whatever I need to purge I will try it just for fun – but the simple answer is that I can go back to my landscape drawing in AutoCad, resave the bit I want as a jpg and reload it into SU - or even import the AutoCad file – although I have never really done that successfully.
So as there is a reasonably simple option it probably is only academic to thrash this out within SU.
Does this option offend your commitment to SU and solving problems?
Since my last post I have discovered something more.
When I reinstated Windows 7 I replaced an existing (working) 2 disc RAID with a single disc. I did not re-establish the RAID. So I was able to install one of the old raid discs as well in order to facilitate the transfer of data to the new disc.
After reloading SketchUp I copied the entire directory containing my SketchUp work from the old RAID disc to the new disk.
So far I have been opening both my versions 5 and 6 from the new disk and I have a problem. However if I open them from the old disk all is well.
I have now copied over version 6 to the new disc on its own and it is performing as it should.
Something was lost in the original translation bit I don’t know what and probably will never know.
I am sorry to have troubled you – I should have checked this out first.But as John says, this is another opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others!!!
going slower...
when you bring a jpg into SU, SU can make it into a .skm file [ skm = Sketchup Material]...
this is actually a renamed .zip file that contains all the important information for SU to apply as either a Color or as a Texture depending on your 'View' choices i.e. with 'Shaded' or 'Shaded with Texture'...
'Shaded' only needs the 'Average Colour' and 'Shaded with Texture' needs a reference image...
when you 'Save' a 'Material' to 'Model' the reference image is copied from the source image into the model and the 'source' becomes irrelevant...
if you export the 'Material' to a local collection a .skm file will be made that include the 'source' image, and again it becomes irrelevant...
if that .skm collection is available to SU, it will auto load your v5 material into v6 if it has the same name...
if you don't have it saved locally, removing the v6 'material' i.e. paint the area 'pink', then use 'Purge' unused 'Materials' will clear it from v6...
Then if you apply the v5 material it should work, but remember to save it in the model or locally in a SU collection...
There are people who know far more than me about this and how it varies on a PC [ I'm on a mac ], but this is my synopsis of how it works...
Sorry it's taken so long to thank you, John, for your input. I have not followed our proposals - yet - but I have noted what you have said and will in future if I need to input a jpg file.
Thanks again and to all who contributed.