Will pay someone to translate this Russian site
@krisidious said:
You know WAR THUNDER has an SDK... I know a lot of people who would like to fly that hushpuppy.
The War Thunder CDK - News - War Thunder
Play for free with friends in the most realistic online game
Thanks Kris,
I checked out that site, interesting. But I think my Lun would have to be simplified way down for something like that.
Any word from your friend about translating that site?
yes... although I haven't talked to him since.
@unknownuser said:
Gamlet Beglaryan Why the #@&% u need this. This project was dropped long time ego. First it was designs to kerry soldiers. And armored vehicles. The first design lifted from water about 2-5 foot and was traveling at high speed. Then they stopped the funding. Then this design it's missile firing pad. 3 big ones. But it was dropped back in late 80s or early 90s.
November 21 at 8:40am · Like
Kristoff Rand yeah I need the page translated well... correctly. pays 50$.
November 21 at 8:57am · Like · 1
Kevin Paul $50?
November 21 at 9:34am · Like
Kristoff Rand No... 50$
November 21 at 9:41am · Like
Gamlet Beglaryan That's all. Just $50
November 21 at 9:43am · Like
Kevin Paul https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome%26amp;ie=utf-8...
translate - Google Search
November 21 at 9:44am · Like
Kristoff Rand when's the last time you even had 50$?
November 21 at 9:44am · Like
Gamlet Beglaryan Ok I do it after work.
November 21 at 9:44am · Like
Kevin Paul ill show ya that for $20
November 21 at 9:44am · Like
Kristoff Rand Nooo... it has to be right. not google.
November 21 at 9:44am · Like
Kevin Paul you gonna pay $50 to have gam read to you...lol
November 21 at 9:45am · Like
Gamlet Beglaryan $966.52 on Friday lol
November 21 at 9:45am · Like
Kristoff Rand No... he has to write it.
November 21 at 9:45am · Like
Kevin Paul thats even better!!!!!!!
November 21 at 9:45am · Like
Gamlet Beglaryan Last time I did this it was back in high school lol
November 21 at 9:47am · Like
Kevin Paul they have schools in Armenia?
November 21 at 9:47am · Like
Gamlet Beglaryan #@&% u man
November 21 at 9:48am · Like
Kevin Paul hey i never been there..idkI also hit up that guy who just made that new Russian layer/Outliner plugin that translates russian words for better render acceptance. I sent him a link to this... maybe he'll pounce.
What exactly is it you're looking to glean from this?
Your friend sounds like a real cutup
As far as what I'm hoping to glean from this - well, I poured over the "translations" many times while building the Lun, was always frustrated that I could get close to understanding what it said, but not close enuf to really, fully understand. Call it a quirk, but I like to know as much as possible about whatever I'm modeling.
I've been so frustrated by many of my models, some made in France, some in Germany, etc, and always there have been sites that seem to hold a wealth of information, if only I could understand it.Just call me Captain Quirk
beam me up Scotty
I'd say you hold yourself to too high of a standard... But I've seen the results and don't mess with a system that works.
As far as War thunder CDK goes... yeah they have systems to deal with high poly models. I don't know if you're familiar with game building, but they use a LOD system (Level of Detail) For up close and personal, like the pilot view, you get high detail, the further away you get, the model gets progressively more simplistic. There's a good possibility that War Thunder would buy the model from you... And... And... They're Russians.
No, I don't think I hold myself to too high of a standard - for me making the model is only part of the experience. Learning about it's story, it's history, how it works, now that makes it all worthwhile. For me.
As far as selling my model, I made the decision early on to never sell anything I make. It would change the whole flavor of doing what I do. I'm retired, my days of working for money are behind me
Must be nice old timer... Feel free to give them to me and I can sell them.
@krisidious said:
Must be nice old timer... Feel free to give them to me and I can sell them.
Don't call me an old timer. I'm an old FART, and proud of it.
The models are in the mail. Should be there any day now.
Trust me
Like an old fart in the wind huh?
@krisidious said:
Like an old fart in the wind huh?
I can peel the paint off a car at 10 yards {and melt the tires)
I have forgotten to say that your model is an amazing work!
@pilou said:
I have forgotten to say that your model is an amazing work!
I think I'll still post it in the Gallery. It's such a fascinating machine, with such an interesting history.
It's definitely my favorite of my "one-off" models.
I can't cook very well