2015 Default Image Editor not working
Go Gimp dude... It's really powerful. and FREE!
@dan rathbun said:
I also used to use PictureIt and liked it.
I made the switch long ago to Paint.Net and love it. It's quick powerful and easy to use.
Drawback is that it does not do icon or cursor files, but Gimp will.
Yeah, it was great for doing a lot of relatively simple things. I haven't had time to play with Paint.net yet but I think it will do nicely for what I have to do. I never work with icons or cursor files so that is not a factor for me.
And for some reason when I installed it on my laptop I didn't have that .Net Framework problem.
@krisidious said:
Go Gimp dude... It's really powerful. and FREE!
The biggest drawback to Gimp, according to what I've read on the web, is it's somewhat steep learning curve compared to other free programs. And I'm sure it's much more powerful than Paint.net, but I don't need a powerful program for most of my texture editing needs. And if I do, I just use PS. So I think I'm covered now (until my next problem, then I'll be back here on the forums crying and begging for help
If you can use Photoshop you can use Gimp. I don't do anything really crazy in those type of programs, you might... Give it a try and see what you think.
Now something really weird is happening.
While I no longer use Picture It as my default image editor in 2015, I figured I would still use it to to create and work with some of my textures, then just import them into the model. BUT....
Whenever I try this, I get the following error msg
This happens whether I save the image as a JPG or PNG.And it gets weirder - if I take that same image and open it in PS, then just resave it, it imports into 2015 just fine.
I'm getting the feeling that Rod Serling is in the next room filming all this
No idea...
Well, thought I'd give it a shot.
I've ordered a new MB, graphics card and CPU, they will be here Tue, so that, along with a fresh OS install, will hopefully bring everything up to snuff with 2015.
or not
I don't know if I would have gone that far... but, hey... It's a good excuse for a new computer.
It's not just to get 2015 working right, the computer has developed other problems as well. Actually just a fresh OS install and new graphics card would probably have done the trick, but my MB is getting old and, well, I just wanted a six-core CPU
and hey, it's something to do
All my gear is getting pretty old... like 3-4 years?
Asrock MB P67 Extreme4
i5 2500k overclocked to 5ghz
(2) Water cooled, overclocked GTX470's in sli. -
I've never overclocked any of my gear. Not sure why, just never seemed worth the trouble, and I don't do any gaming.
I tend to buy mid range gear and then overclock it to try and squeeze every bit of performance out of it that I can. with the processor I got another 1.7ghz out of it. On the graphics cards they come as 607mhz and I have them running at 800mhz. People say it shortens life span and such, but I've never experienced that and I've been overclocking for a long time. Having all of your system protections in place and watercooling seems to minimize any damage...
Yay! Just received all the parts to build my new computer. Let the fun begin!