Major Sketchup Vray Problems (Mac)
I confirm the problems with Vray for Sketchup on a Mac. So unstable, it's unusable. (Latest Sketchup and latest Vray.)
Also, after this trial, I'm completely disenchanted with the Vray material editor. C'mon guys, get real. Sure, it's nice to have N-dimensional complexity under the hood if you need to go in and tweak. But there should be a simple first layer interface with just a few sliders, a la Podium. Oh, and also a bunch of basic materials with the install so that you don't have to go off hunting for something to start with -- especially given your byzantine interface!
This has been a complete waste of time and headaches. I've heard that Podium actually works, so that's where I'm off to next.
I am having the same exact issues and now that I just updated SU it has gotten worse. I believe that the true issue lies when SU and Vray loads their materials while starting. Sometimes there is a discrepancy between materials in SU and Vray and this normally makes my SU files to crash. My problem is that I need these programs for work, I am expected to get my renders done and it is extremely frustrating when it takes 30 min's to open one file.
I am trying to contact Vray for assistance because this is totally unacceptable but in the mean time does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do? -
I have the same problem, I hope Vray group can find solution for this issue.
@adina88 said:
I am having the same exact issues and now that I just updated SU it has gotten worse. I believe that the true issue lies when SU and Vray loads their materials while starting. Sometimes there is a discrepancy between materials in SU and Vray and this normally makes my SU files to crash. My problem is that I need these programs for work, I am expected to get my renders done and it is extremely frustrating when it takes 30 min's to open one file.
I am trying to contact Vray for assistance because this is totally unacceptable but in the mean time does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do?I'm not sure this is useful in any way, but working with Vray 4 Skp I have become used to installing the V-ray toy plugin made by thom thom:
What you do is: install the plugin, go in preferences/extensions, turn off vray and shut down Sketchup.
Now vray will not start when sketchup does, to have it working you go to Tools/Vray tool/Start Vray. Do this only once you have opened your model.
This will at least solve the very long opening times of your model.
Same problem here. Added: I did not use vray materials even. 23,5 mb is too much, adding any tree in a small landscape kills sketchup- vray at startup. Rendering an animation kills every time when the 2gb limit is reached. My opinion is both applications have big bugs at the moment.
My problems where never solved so basically left Vray alone (hopefully the new improved version - if its ever released) - will solve many of these issues on a mac.
I now model in sketchup (for speed) and the render in C4D
@beelenpe said:
Same problem here. Added: I did not use vray materials even. 23,5 mb is too much, adding any tree in a small landscape kills sketchup- vray at startup. Rendering an animation kills every time when the 2gb limit is reached. My opinion is both applications have big bugs at the moment.
It's not a bug.. seems to me you reached the memory limit of the applications. If you need to render a lot of trees, maybe you should try another renderer like Thea or Maxwell, they have proxies.
hello all,
i was also having this issue on interior shots as well and was as concerned as the rest of us (I had sort of staked my professional reputation on the abilities of V-ray and sketchup together, having done several exterior renderings successfully).
i was able to determine the issue after a long trial and error process and for me, the issue was a scene that i was attempting to render was very close to a section cut and the section cut was between me and what i was trying to render. the scene itself was actually set inside a "wall" (well between two planes i guess technically) which i didn't notice due to the section cut, and i was unable to open the file without the initial material scan v-ray does when you open sketchup crashing.
the work around was to open sketch up, turn off the v-ray extension under sketchup preferences, open the file, delete the section cut, and move the scene location (in my case, to get the render i wanted, i had to delete walls), save the file, turn on the vray extension and then reopen sketchup. i do not know if this helps everyone, but it worked for me and we are describing the exact same crashing at the beginning. good luck!
I am having the same issue. I ended purging all materials. Then after I added a component from the 3d warehouse Vray started crashing my file (90MB) again. I deleted the component, purge the materials and it is working fine now. Still, I sent my crashes reports to VRay. An $800 plugging should not wait this long to fix an issue so important.
I have the same problem from the moment when change the licences for mac. I take the latest fully upgraded Imac. Before that I work on a HP Work station and never have this kind of problems. I also sent lot of notifications to vray and sketchup, they contact me, we speak also about this problems and try to solve online thru phone conversation, they can't fix anything.
They must to admit they have a big problem regarding the compatibility between SU&Vray. Soon I upgrated to the SU 2013 and soon I will upgrade the vray also in a hope of a better working, but in the trial versin of Vray I all ready have some crashes.
Any way in the trial version you can't experiment almoast nothing, is a bull shit. I don't understand why are so scared.
Probably the best solution it will be to have everything on Windows system, I loose my patience from two years now.Few things I experienced already in this two years of using. If once crash, is crash all the time. So open a diferent existing file, and the sketchup will open the new and the crashed file also. You can work on it. Possible in the major file, vray don't show the materials, save it as a diferent file and open it again.
If don't work, open a diferent file of sketchup, unactivate the vray plugin after that you will don't have any problem with the sketchupfile until you activate the plugin back.
The moast crashes is happening because of the materials or memory problems. So close moast of the aplication befor use SU&Vray. -
The main issue here, in my experience is memory consumption. SketchUp is limited to 4gb of ram, it doesn't matter what hardware you have, what operating system you have, etc. That's why Maxwell has an issue, and it's why V-Ray has an issue. If you are hitting that memory limit, you're going to crash. Sketchup on OSX appears to consume more memory than it does on Windows, as does the V-Ray plugin. Also, if you have multiple Sketchup models open on OSX at the same time, each model contributes to that 4gb memory limit. On windows, this is not the case. Each Sketchup window has it's own 4gb playground to work with.
Many other modeling applications have made the jump to become a 64bit application, which allows an application to use far more memory. Currently it's not even possible to have a computer that exceeds the maximum amount of memory that a 64bit application can use (it's something like 18 exobytes).
When you load SketchUp, it loads any extensions that are currently installed and active. If you have many plugins, you're going to use more memory. Just loading V-Ray's dependencies can take some time, and eat up quite a bit of memory. V-Ray does indeed scan over the model and look for textures, materials, lights, proxies, etc. During that process, it consumes more memory as it builds various data structures that help us interact with the SketchUp model, and even render it in real time.
It's possible to have a model that will crash due to memory consumption on OSX, by simply opening the model, and due to OSX's feature which will allow an application to reopen whatever documents were last open in the application, it's possible to end up in the crashing loop as described above. The workaround of moving a file is very effective in breaking the endless loop of crashes. This prevents V-Ray from scanning the file, and prevents SketchUp from loading the file in to memory in the first place.
If you have any example scenes that demonstrate this issue, and are willing to share them for diagnostic purposes, please contact me, because I would like to resolve as many of these issues as possible before we release our next patch. You can reach me at We now have a dedicated VfS for OSX developer, as well as a developer solely devoted to VfS for Windows. We are hoping we can resolve this issue, but it may require some work on the part of Trimble, to allow plugins such as V-Ray and Maxwell to utilize more memory than we are currently limited to.