Looking for some help regarding a sphere light within a glass sphere - producing light blotches.
Unsure what is going on and how to achieve the proper effect. Im using the latest Vray and the glass dome is the Basic Glass from the chaos web site.Any help would be appreciated.
as a quick test, delete your refraction layer in your glass and try rendering. It looks like the refraction depth is too low and your direct light is not "escaping" the glass enclosure.
Cheers for the advice, tried that but still have the dreaded light blotches.... Nice disco ball effect though
disable Caustics, uncheck reflective GI Caustic, check on sub-pixel mapping and Clamp output.
do you have caustics on? Do you have any emmissive materials?
No emmisive materials used and caustics aren't on.
The light is set very high and obviously will need to add some extra lighting to the scene.
why is your light intensity 100000?
Good question... It was 30000 but wasn't doing much so whacked it up just to get some idea of light in the room
try running the rendering with the glass dome hidden. Maybe do a material override render too. Something is not right with your GI calculation.