A simple stool
Very nice, Thanks cotty, I'll know who to ask next time I need a stool sample.
I have to ask about the construction. Did you produce you stool with solid tools?
Is your stool sample solid. -
@box said:
Very nice, Thanks cotty, I'll know who to ask next time I need a stool sample.
I have to ask about the construction. Did you produce you stool with solid tools?
Is your stool sample solid.I don't remember the exact steps of the modeling, but I think I didn't use solid tools here. The three parts should be solids, you can download the model (link below the picture) and have a look at it...
Very nice presentation style.
My wife, whose first language is German, tells me I've been very bad and should point out my little joke. As she puts it, "Oh you silly endlanders and your wordplays is too much sometimes".
Stool Sample = Stuhlprobe -
The thing with Box is that you should never take him at face value but rather see what's behind him.
Very nice. You oughtta 3D print it.
When I first saw the title for this thread. . I thought this was another aspect of the Frank Gehry discussion!
What is an endlander? And, who is germane here?
It is her joke on where I come from, I'm not an Englander, as most Deutschlanders want to call me, I'm Australian, from the Ends of the earth, hence Endlander.
It might be germane that both you and cotty are German, whereas I come from the land of Germaine Greer.
OK, you caught me ... But Cottys stool is simply great.