Scene & Styles Warning Options
I've come across the warning below a lot lately (i'm trying to get my head around Scenes).
It probably confuses me because i don't recall making any changes to my Style.
For example, if i open my file, and try to create my first Scene, i get the following warning?
How can i have made any changes to my Style if i have just literaly opened my file?
Also what does each of the 3 options actually do, as i don't want to mess my model up - thank you.
Open a new SketchUp model and go to Window>Styles. click on the little house icon to make sure you're looking at the In Model style(s) does the thumbnail in the upper left corner have circular arrows on it? If so, the style has been modified but you never saved the changes.
That Styles warning window indicates that you've changed something about the style since it was last updated. That could be related to line style, whether or not you have endpoints or extensions, face or background color or other obvious things. It could also mean you've done something like changed the state of shadows, sections, whether or not guidelines or hidden geometry are displayed as well as a few other things.
The options do just what they say. Do you want to save the current style as a new one, apply the style changes to the existing style or leave the style as edited but not updated. If you use the last one, you'll probably create headaches for yourself later, especially when you are working with viewports in LayOut. And don't tick the box to prevent the warning from showing or you'll never keep track of changes to styles when creating scenes.
Pay attention when you are creating scenes. If you've already used a style in another scene, select it from the In Model library rather than making the same style changes again. For example if some scenes use Hidden Line while the last one used Shaded with Texture and your next scene is to be Hidden Line, don't change modify the style by selecting Hidden Line. Instead pick the Hidden Line style you already have.
Excellent, thanks for your help Dave.