MY digital painting journey
Thank you Gareth
Thank you for being clear and kind
just did it today after a long time of no spare time!
Beautiful! I hope you find more "spare time". Impressed how such broad strokes can be so refined in expression.
Thank you
this is a wip so hope to have time to color it -
Almost finished the black and white section and am slightly adding colors to my painting.
Fantastic. Thanks for showing the workflow too. Have you tried Krita? Has some nice features, although with your talent you really don't need much.
Thank you dear forum-mate
. I will give it a try as soon as possible
Majid: that is just fantastic. Real art transcends the medium it is created in. Whether this was produced digitally or traditionally becomes irrelevant. This is art, and it is beautiful. I'm loving this 'journey' that you are on. Please don't stop.
Thank you Andy
You make me believe myself, while I have not passed any "official" course on painting, nor traditional neither digital. your works are fantastic to me.
M. -
It goes ahead slowly. I did some fine recolor and retouches. all in one layer. traditional way!
Love it. Thanks for sharing.
Rembrant ?
I do not think it is Rembrandt. I found the original painting on my pc and guess it must be from the web.... it inspired me to do it digitally.
This is the best work I have seen on this forum!
True art.
Thank you SRX for kind words. I can not believe. I have just started digitall painting
Another WIP based on old masters.
Leonardo. My first love.
Beautiful, Majid.
some fine adjustment and reworks.