Hristov's thread
My advice?
Don't stop.
I'd say it came out very well. Sort of a SF graphic novel effect. Great quality. On the right track. Not sure what else you could have done. Maybe your friends are looking for a PR style? Ask them for examples.
The white dots could be some sort of atmosphere, but it's unclear how they fit in.
The bot looks a little surprised, apprehensive or curious. Would be interesting it was looking at a spider or maybe a puppy.
@pbacot - Thank you
! Yeah I should ask them more in depth. The thing about the dots was that I tried to suggest dust particles which glow because they are lit by the red eye of the mecha, although I feel like I went a little bit over the top with that
Heh puppy yeah , this is a great idea !!
I really, really want to add a puppy, but not sure if it would be up to my abilities.
From the start I should have changed the composition.The crop is incredibly strange ..... it suggest that the robot is looking at something but at the same time the composition is almost cut in half.If I add something it would create so much technical problems, I'm not sure if I would be able to finish it.
Btw here is a pic of the leg movement, I had some questions how the leg functions
: -
Hello This is my first attempt to bring one of my sketchup models to a more presentable level. I'm really not sure how it turned out, so far the comments I get from family and friends are not very warm. But at the same time they can't tell me whats wrong . So I was wondering if you could give me any feedback.I'm curious what are your thoughts in general about the image. Thanks !
It has been a while since I last uploaded something.Those few months I focused mainly on drawing.But here is something I did recently.I'm really not sure how it turned out, if you have any advices I will be very grateful.
Your FIRST designs??!! I suddenly feel like a failure!! Fantastic work!!
The final turned out excellent.
Nice combination of render and linework.
Very cool. Liking the modeling and rendering style.
Take care,
How funny! I was thinking about doing a spaceship along roughly that same configuration this weekend.
Looks good!
Nice works!
Thanks for the kind words:)
@Pilou thank you for the reply, I'm familiar with 600v and I love his work
@yorik1984 - Here is the full-res image 2586x2188 pixels -
Here is the final version
I've removed the images from my last 2 posts.
Here is a render of an old model. Crits are welcome
Thank you for the kind words !
@ Bryan K - Go for it, can't wait to see it.We need more spaceships in this forumHere is a more acceptable render, still have a lot to learn about rendering