MAC palete texture & edit texture problem.
Hi guys, im Mexican, iĀ“m a old sketchup user, i use sketchup on Win and Macos. and i found some problems on Macos, i prefer sketchup on Macos, because i use a Macbookpro to work and use to myself. but i know sketchup its better on Windows, and i found some bug on Macos Version, i will try to xplain to the best way.
i record a video to xplain the problem. when i open the palette materials, to edit a texture, i double click on a texture, and when i do the same to other texture, the texture change, and the before texture selectec change to the new clicked.
and the otrer bug, i found. when i do a model on Windows, and add textures to model, i cant edit that textures on macos because the temp folder on macos its not the same on windows i think. but if i texture the model on Macos on windows the bug dont appaer.
here is a video.
srry about my bad englis
@comixo said:
... when i open the palette materials, to edit a texture, i double click on a texture, and when i do the same to other texture, the texture change, and the before texture selectec change to the new clicked ...
If I understand you correctly, what you describe is not a bug.
When you edit a texture on a Mac you stay in the texture edit mode until you click the Close button.
If you click on another texture 'B' while editing a texture 'A', 'A' texture is changed to be like 'B'. I don't know what it does in Windows. That's what it does on my Mac.
mmmm thats rigth, i think its not a good mode to work, because we need to load again the texture from the original imagen file, and we lost some time, the edit mode maybe can work better.
pbacot, yeah thats the happen, on windows the edit mode, change to other tab on same windows, then u cant ruin your texture.
and the other think, the problem whit the edit texture fail, i try to change access atributes to all folder tem on MAC and still fail the edit texture.
saludos amigos!