Endless pages...
...of digital architectural images!
3dawards.cgarchitect.com/gallery/index/21 -
Thanks for that link Pilou - there are a LOT of images there
There is some great work in there... Some of the more 'artistic' NPR stuff is especially nice. I'd recommend people take the time to scroll down this 'endless' page - there are some real gems hidden in there
Hehe, I'm a nominee in the student category (Thomas Hauchecorne)
Many great images on this page! But some people seem to think that their poor work looks better when they flood the list with multiple images...
Nice find! Thanks for the link.
@numerobis said:
Many great images on this page! But some people seem to think that their poor work looks better when they flood the list with multiple images...
We were allowed to send 5 images per category.