[Plugin] Eneroth Railroad System (v 0.1.21)
About the translation of the plugin itself, does exist a system multi language?
@oxer said:
I have translated the plugin to Spanish Language but I'll wait to the final version to translate the documentation.
Eneroth, has you had time to investigate the problem with the ""Add Rolling Stock" window on Mac?I've looked into the web dialog and tested it with the desktop version of Safari for windows. The problem with the unresponsive library was due to Safari's way of interpreting z-index (I used it to make the tabs appear on top of the content but now I've applied the z-index to the tabs instead). The problem with the Create guide was that Safari thought of line breaks as elements and changed their properties instead of the images/text when trying to show a specific step.
Hopefully this will work in Sketchup too
@unknownuser said:
About the translation of the plugin itself, does exist a system multi language?
There is a system made by the Sketchup team to put all text strings in separate files that can be loaded in different languages. However since it's a Sketchup API feature I can't find any documentation for it. I guess I could look through some other plugins to better understand it but I think it still would be difficult to dynamically add these text strings to web dialogs.
lightup for sketchup have a language handler . however lightup is in a separat folder named Tools.
Version 0.1.11 is now published! Hopefully it should work better on Mac now (feedback greatly appreciated as usual!!) and some updates have been made to make streets work better.
Plugin download: http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=ene_railroad
An example of streets and intersections, and some videos showing how to alter them, is posted on the previous page.
Any feedback how the new version works on Mac?
What append of the previous version?
We must kill it ? Or the new version overwrite the previous automatically ? -
The LanguageHandler has been published too early with an unfinished design and without considering the feedback that ruby developers gave. Since it's now part of the API, I'm not sure if there will ever be changes. It might certainly be "just enough" for new plugins, but it was too limited to make older plugins use it in place of our own translation libraries and many other plugins have also not switched to this new API.
If you are curious how one can translate a webdialog with one single method call, take a look into my Translate.rb (like in AttributeInspector or ToolbarEditor).
@unknownuser said:
What append of the previous version?
We must kill it ? Or the new version overwrite the previous automatically ?You should be able to just install it over the old version. However you may need to restart Sketchup. Otherwise you could first delete the old version's files but then make sure you haven't made any custom track types or rolling stocks you want to keep.
@aerilius said:
The LanguageHandler has been published too early with an unfinished design and without considering the feedback that ruby developers gave. Since it's now part of the API, I'm not sure if there will ever be changes. It might certainly be "just enough" for new plugins, but it was too limited to make older plugins use it in place of our own translation libraries and many other plugins have also not switched to this new API.
If you are curious how one can translate a webdialog with one single method call, take a look into my Translate.rb (like in AttributeInspector or ToolbarEditor).
That's too bad
. I'll look into your code but I'm not sure what I'll eventually do. Even if all text in the plugin itself is translated titles and description of track types and other content will be in just one language, unless I ask the user for one string in each language.
For languages to translate a cool easy thing is put a "*" before the first word of the original!
So with an text editor it's very easy to got to this * then translate!Beacause for a no Rby maker it's very hard to go to the good place!
@unknownuser said:
You should be able to just install it over the old version
No few old folders/files/ will persist if they have not the same names ?
Pilou, it's right that for non-ruby makers it is difficult to find the right place. The same is true even for ruby developers!!!
Marking strings with a '*' only works around the source of the problem. You would have to do the same edits again everytime when an update is released. If we want to support more options/languages/etc., we can separate code and data into different files. -
Yes that is the ideal solution!
But at this date if I want translate the plugin i don't see more simple and speedy way before creation of a new system!
Of course that oblige the auteur to lost some time to put the "*" -
The work of manually translating would be lost in some week or so. Unless the text strings are separated from the code there's not really any idea doing it. However I'm not really sure of what to do since user created content (including track types shipped with the extension) would just be in the user's language unless the user translates it themselves to all languages.
Randomly mixed languages is just annoying and one of the reasons I really hate it when websites and softwares tries to make Swedish translations.
However, if anyone is really keen to translate you could make a spreadsheet (like in excel) with the original string and translation next to each other.
@unknownuser said:
original string and translation next to each other.
Of course yes, but without the "*" it's a nightmare for a totally noob of Ruby for pick exactly that is must be translated or not!
Hi Eneroth3 not getting any thing in dialogue box. I'm on Mac with Safari 7.0.4 and SU 2014 everything up to date.
@mwm5053 said:
Hi Eneroth3 not getting any thing in dialogue box. I'm on Mac with Safari 7.0.4 and SU 2014 everything up to date.
Is it the same for all dialogs or just this one?
Here's some more screen shots of the other dialog boxes.
Something that RailRoadsystem can do!
Just replace locomotive by planes! -
@mwm5053 said:
Here's some more screen shots of the other dialog boxes.
It looks as if the javascript code in dialog.show_modal doesn't run on that specific web dialog, probably due to a misspelling in the code. Hopefully there's no problem with the other dialogs
@unknownuser said:
French translation of the Documentation is done!
I will see now if the new version 1.1.0 has a new documenttion!
I don't understand much French so I can't say much about the translation but I did notice you have capital letters where there shouldn't be in the motion types of the mechanical parts in rolling stocks. Unless these (and all other text the user writes) is spelled correctly the computer won't understand it.
Can you give me an example and addresse page?
For correction if necessary