Cabriole Legs
I'm sure there is some sort of medicated ointment that'll sort them out for you.
Very nice Dave! I have tried various methods for smoothing the "corners" of cabriole legs, with mixed success and often a lot of work needed to get the area around the top of the foot right. I'd be very interested in any info you can provide on how you went about this.
I'll see if I can make the mesh view this evening.
A tutorial will be coming but it needs some refining, first.
Hidden Geometry view?
Beautiful modeling Dave.
Quick question: though I realize it's not part of this piece's design, have you tried modeling a cabriole leg with a ball-and-claw foot in SketchUp?
Hi Doug,
Thank you.
I have done a ball and claw foot in the past and it was a regular PIA. I imagine I could do one more easily with the method I used for most of this leg, though. I hadn't thought about it before.
Wow that's a big image. Thanks for sharing the mesh view. Cool!