Name&Group geometry by layer...then default geometry
First, thanks a million to all of you Ruby wizards!
I have been using the plugin "group by layer" by Rick Wilson (2006...see attached)
It does exactly what you might expect, it groups all geometry by it's layer.
(I know all native geometry should always be on layer 0 in SU.....but this is imported geometry here)So, my Q:
Does anyone know of a plugin that will:
Take imported geometry and place it in a group of the same name, and then after grouping and naming all geometry on layer 0.A real bonus would be if it could further consolodate the "like kind" groups all to one of same name.
Exterior_Trim would take in all Exterior_Trim0 thru Exterior_Trim 14Hope all this is making sense....and thanks for any help on this...much apreciated
Hmm.....guess not a popular/necessary plugin for the masses.
Maybe I need to have a Ruby genius for hire help me out?
Charlie -
I think TIG made a plugin that would send all the geometry in a group to Layer 0. Would that help?
@dave r said:
I think TIG made a plugin that would send all the geometry in a group to Layer 0. Would that help?
Thanks Dave,
I have this plugin by TIG (Default Layer Geometry) and use it. (thanks TIG)Ideally It would be great to have one plugin do it all.
Heck, just having the created groups (group by layer) take on the imported layer name would be a great help.
As it is by layer...does just that....but all group names remain "layer 0"Best,
Charlie -
Charlie, I have sent you by Personal Message a modified copy of GroupByLayer that I hope will do all you wish.
@sdmitch said:
Charlie, I have sent you by Personal Message a modified copy of GroupByLayer that I hope will do all you wish.
Thank you+++I gave it a go, and replied via detailed PM with an example file.
Geting the imported layer names same as the new group names before forcing all geometry to layer zero would be so much apreciated.
Anything beyond that (layer consolidation via prefix) would be super fantastic!
I really...really...really apreciate the help on this.
Charlie -
To all:
sdmitch has been on the case, and I am very happy to report he has exceeded all my expectations!(Layers_to_Groups plugin)
I have no idea how you do it......but I am so grateful you can...and do!So.....a million thanks to sdmitch.
All the best,