How to do Walkthrough Camera Animation
I am doing a project where I have to animate a camera to simulate a first person perspective walking into a building keeping a consistent height. How do I get a natural POV as the camera curves into the building so that the it doesn't feel like the camera is moving sideways on turns. If the camera was going straight in it would be no problem for me. But the animation is to simulate walking in and moving to the right slightly. My first instinct was to animate the camera on a path that has a bezier curve. What is the best method to get this going? BTW, I plan to render the animation in Kerkythea. Any help is appreciated.
Go to menu Camera>Field of View. This will adjust camera. use the Camera>Look Around and Camera>Walk to get eye level and adjust views. Save each point as a scene. This will then be exported as animation.
Thanks for reminding me of those tools. I set my first camera to begin the walk outside the entrance. Now I want to go straight in keeping the height. Is there a way to "lock" the movement as I use the Camera-Walk?
The best way I have found is to have multiple points between. the longer space has the camera rotate. Also there are lots of tools to help with this. some cost a few bucks some are free.
Here's a list from the pluginstore
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I think 2013 comes with Camera Tools built in.
A favorite of mine is Camera Recorder by Chris Fullmer. You just record your movement and it makes scenes as you go.
Thanks Kris! Your info and links are very helpful. Got some new toys now.
Glad to help... Make sure to come back and show us when you're done.