[REQ]? Power Intersect
It has always been an issue for me that intersect faces does see edges that lie on a face--only faces that pass through. You too?
So if there is a component that touches another component's face only at edges, you can't get the face in one to divide up (intersect) where edges actually lie on the same plane. Often edges in the same context do not always divide a face if the endpoint has not been made at an intersection of the face edge.
Is there or may there be a plugin that divides faces in these circumstances. Also a super-intersect" plugin might include other options such as grouping or certain clean-up afterwards. Would this be helpful or even possible?
Posting in lieu of working...Doldrum day.
Doldrum day? You, too?
Do the solid tools do what you want or are you thinking of something that works on non-solids?
I am thinking non solids. This would be in drawing phase most. Solids touching a face from the outside but not projecting in wouldn't have any effect on the face. One occasion is elements lying on a plane or wall. Unless they have faces that actually go through the face, an intersect doesn't create an edge. When the edges are clearly lying on the face (but not in the same context) intersect doesn't do anything. You would have to select, copy, and paste all the edges onto the face.
i think sketchup is just a bit buggy when it comes to this and possibly something that should be brought to the developers attention..
reason being- it only doesn't work if the components or groups are copies of one another.. if you make unique a component or explode one of the groups then immediately regroup, the intersection will happen.. or if one of the planes is a group and the other plane is raw geometry, the intersection will happen..
can you duplicate what i'm saying? (or is my explanation not-so-clear?
IDK. Maybe it is a little hit an miss but I don't have an example of one or the other. I could see about posting an example of what I mean.
Also is there a "break all intersections" plugin so that overlaying edges would be made to have endpoints where they cross?
@pbacot said:
IDK. Maybe it is a little hit an miss but I don't have an example of one or the other. I could see about posting an example of what I mean.
look at this:
intersect the two planes on the left and nothing happens.. intersect the two planes on the right and they will intersect..
the same thing happens if you copy a group.. instead you have to make the group unique (by exploding it then regrouping it)
I think with identical components this has to be impossible. I have not seen SU automatically act on components such that they become unique except with FredoScale.
I was missing something here though. What I am trying is directly using the face inside the component to intersect with model and get a no-go message for the edges lying on face. This shows it does work with two components on the outside. But I am also interested non-grouped work, and it still doesn't work there either.
Not sure it is is exactly what you need ,but my "Divide" tool in SuSolid plugin will divide non-solids in base of internal faces.
So,for example if you have one cube and one face in the middle, the output would be 2 solids. You can check here http://www.susolid.com/susolid_divide.html
David Malnar