What is this font?
i didn't search too hard (only tried searching 'chisel point architect font') and saw this one which is similar though not exact..
if the exact one used for 'sketchup training' is available you'll probably be able to find it via searches like
chisel point handwritten font
architect fontthere are also some font forums out there where people will find it for you.
excellent choice. thank you very much
@pomelo3d said:
excellent choice. thank you very much
ha.. yeah. i like it too.
i think i'm going to get it now -
a free font?
yikes.. i didnt check that part..
it's $45 for a package of 6 different architect fonts.. while i like the 'heavy hand' font, i don't like it for 50 bucks.. or, i'm not sure i'd use it in such a way to justify the cost.. it does look as though the creator has put in the effort and skill which is worth more than what he's charging but still, it's hard for me to personally justify buying.i'll look around for some free or cheaper stuff later tonight.. i'll post back if i find something.
Lucky I got that a long time ago. Is it also with "Mr. Hand"?
I've mostly quit using hand drawn fonts. It's much tighter, lighter, and easier to read construction docs. with Arial and some serif fonts. -
I like Frank...
Thanks pomelo3d, nice fonts, will come very handy!
Already had Flux, but Heavy hand is a new one for me. thanks.