Gluing Text label (in creation / modification)
The last time this was evoked in this forum (see this thread), it was not possible to create a Text label by the API and glue it to a Face or any element in the model.
I tested again in SU2014 and this is the same behavior.
Any news of workarounds, and more generally on how Sketchup handle this kind of gluing (I guess the same problem exists for the new methods for Dimensions)?
I think the new Dim methods do allow you to get the 'entity tree' for a Dim's two start/end.
You can also specify them when adding a new Dim - start=/end=...Unfortunately Text does not have the equivalent linking possibilities for its arrowhead.
There are many Text methods missing - these were discussed at length at last year's BaseCamp - as were Dims, but only a few got through...