Sketchup Vertex Tool
**Hello Sketchup Friends,
Regarding the Vertex Tool "make planar" tool, is their anyway possible to make the 3D object fall straight down onto the level plane the bottom of the object is resting on. In my testing when the 3D object becomes planar, the plane it becomes is on a strange angle relating to the shape of the object, rather than the 3D collapsing straight down and falling onto the plain it was resting on.
Thanks so much in advance. Your kind help will will help with my project at
A Bender**
The make planar takes adjust the vertices selected to a best fit plane.
If you want to move vertices to a specific plane you can use the gizmo and scale in one direction to do so.
Here's a couple of videos that demonstrate this:
Videos are also posted on Google+ and Facebook pages: -
Hm... when you say fall to ground, do you actually want all the vertices to hit the ground - or just make the object drop?
Just thinking if Raytracer is what you want: -
@thomthom said:
Hm... when you say fall to ground, do you actually want all the vertices to hit the ground - or just make the object drop?
Just thinking if Raytracer is what you want: best would be if all the lines in the model having any horizontal distance would make a line on the flattened model which would be equal to it's horizontal extents and position in the model. The vertical length of lines would be meaningless in the planar model resulting. A vertical line would not show at all, or simply be an endpoint in the plane model.
Thus you could take the resulting plane model and draw vertical lines upward from ever vertex or point in the flat model to it's corresponding place in the 3D model. Sketchup a while back said they had nothing to do this with. But it appears you possibly have numerous solutions! Thanks so much for your replies.
There's the "Flatten Vertices" plugin.
Silhouette to Plane by TIG ?