Upgrading plugins to Ruby 2.0 for SketchUp 2014
You could try to open the file as ASCII-8bit - then attempt to convert the data afterwards. But in general you need to know what encoding a file is in. You'll see editors often provide this option, even Notepad.
After reading the file as ASCII-8bit - which is in effect what Ruby 1.8 did - then you could try to change the encoding to UTF-8 - if that fails it's a good chance the file is ANSI encoded in which you can retry with that. (Though there are many variants of ANSI, US-ANSI is most normal one.)
As for the crashes - as I mentioned, that should not happen. Did you submit those report? This is important for us in order to address the crash.
Bugsplat report duly filed.
I used the original post above as the scenario description, so... Ruby, Importer, UTF-8 and/or m² should find it.
hm... this crashes deep into the Ruby interpreter...
Can you provide a small code snippet to reproduce it?
I see you included some description in the BugSplat, but I'm afraid it's been mangled formatting. Can you attach sample RB file and sample CSV file? That'll ensure we are reproducing 100% correctly.
FWIW. Now in Ruby 2.x, you can specify the arguments that will be used for
, as the last argument toFile.foreach()
, which is inherited from[%(#BF0000)[IO.foreach()]](http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.0.0/IO.html#method-c-foreach)
File.foreach( csv_filepath, {;mode=>"r", ;encoding=>"ASCII;UTF-8"} ) do |file_data| # statements end
I also wrote:
@dan rathbun said:..., you can specify the arguments that will be used for
so ...
http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.0.0/IO.html#method-c-newIt's an example.
At the console you can get names like this:
Encoding::ASCII.names %(#008040)[>> ["US-ASCII", "ASCII", "ANSI_X3.4-1968", "646"]]
Encoding::ASCII_8BIT.names %(#008040)[>> ["ASCII-8BIT", "BINARY"]]
I had a weird problem with a txt file using IO.read to get a string...
Notepad++ said was encoded as ANSI, but Ruby2.0 said was was encoded as UTF-8...
I could read and parse the string in Ruby1.8, but in Ruby2.0 it sometime 'threw a wobbler' about wrongly encoded characters...If the string was all normal ASCII type characters then no issue...
BUT if the string contained an accented character it caused the 'wobbler'...If I re-encoded it in Notepad++ to UTF8-without-BOM - then again no issues with the accents in Ruby2.0 or Ruby1.8.
A 'puts' for the strings read for the two file encodings showed differences with \E... etc where the accents were.
In Ruby2.0 I tried to force the encoding to UFT-8, but since it thought it already was in that it failed.
This was my workaround:data = IO.read(@data_file) data = data.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1').encode("UTF-8") if defined?(Encoding) @uid = data.split('&')[-1].to_s.chomp --> Gábor
etc...Now in v2014 it reads and parses OK and in earlier versions it works too...
Forcing the encoding into one that it is never going to be [as in my case anyway] and then back to UTF-8 works...
I don't know why it thought the encoding was NOT in ANSI but...Incidentally - this also uncovered another oddity...
In Ruby1.8 if you use the File.new to make a txt file and write an ASCII string it is reported as a UTF8... encoded file by Notepad++
BUT if the string contains an accented character the file encoding is reported as ANSI.
Since Ruby1.8 can cope with either encoding when parsing strings etc it causes no issues, but if you have such a txt file, without the above double encoding workaround it causes issues with Ruby2.0... -
I was working on the UTF-8 errors issue when your last post displayed. I can confirm that...
File.foreach(csv_filepath) do |file_data|
file_data.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1').encode("UTF-8") if defined?(Encoding)Works in both (SketchUp) Ruby releases exactly as you say.
I've reproduced the crash and it happens in the Importer class wrapper that is supposed to return the result code. That's why it works when you call the method directly and not via the Importer dialog.
Right, so I got a fix for it on our side. Until then you can work around the crash by catching Ruby errors in Importer.load_file
<span class="syntaxdefault"><br /></span><span class="syntaxkeyword">class </span><span class="syntaxdefault">CSV_ImporterC </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">< </span><span class="syntaxdefault">Sketchup</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">;;</span><span class="syntaxdefault">Importer<br /> def description<br /> </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">return </span><span class="syntaxstring">"CSV Importer (*.csv)"<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">end<br /> def file_extension<br /> </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">return </span><span class="syntaxstring">"csv"<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">end<br /> def id<br /> </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">return </span><span class="syntaxstring">"CSV-Importer"<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">end<br /> def supports_options</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">?<br /> return </span><span class="syntaxdefault">false<br /> end<br /> def load_file</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(</span><span class="syntaxdefault">file_path</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">, </span><span class="syntaxdefault">status</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">)<br /> return </span><span class="syntaxdefault">1 </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">if ( </span><span class="syntaxdefault">not status</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">)<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">CSV_importerF</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(</span><span class="syntaxdefault">file_path</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">)<br /> return </span><span class="syntaxdefault">0<br /> rescue StandardError </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">=> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">e<br /> puts e</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">message<br /> puts e</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">backtrace</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">join</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(</span><span class="syntaxstring">"\n"</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">)<br /> return </span><span class="syntaxdefault">1<br /> end<br />end<br /><br />def CSV_importerF</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(</span><span class="syntaxdefault">csv_filepath</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">)<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">File</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.foreach(</span><span class="syntaxdefault">csv_filepath</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">) do |</span><span class="syntaxdefault">file_data</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">|<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">next </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">if ( </span><span class="syntaxdefault">file_data</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">match</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(/\</span><span class="syntaxdefault">A</span><span class="syntaxcomment">#/) or not file_data.include?(",") )<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">puts </span><span class="syntaxstring">"Floor #{file_data.chomp.split("</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">,</span><span class="syntaxstring">")[1].to_i}"<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">end<br />end<br /><br />Sketchup</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">register_importer</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(</span><span class="syntaxdefault">CSV_ImporterC</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.new)<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault"></span>
As for reading the file correctly, I would first try to read the CSV file in UT-8, then if that fails, fall back to ISO-8859-1 (or maybe try to use whatever codepage is in use if Ruby will let you know this.)
Didn't Bugra say the two Ruby loadpaths were encoded in the local code page ?
@tt_su said:
I've reproduced the crash and it happens in the Importer class wrapper that is supposed to return the result code. That's why it works when you call the method directly and not via the Importer dialog.
This isn't new for SketchUp 2014 - it's been around for awhile.
@jim said:
This isn't new for SketchUp 2014 - it's been around for awhile.
Yup, I saw that when I tested. Bad one - but at least it can be caught. ...one just have to know about it...
But it's fixed in-house now. -
Update - I have sent a user an .rbz, and he gets the error:
Error: #<ArgumentError: unknown encoding name - ISO-8859-1>
resulting from...
file_data.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1').encode("UTF-8") if defined?(Encoding)He is using Windows 8, SketchUp 14, on a PC. How can this be??! - and what advice can I pass on?
Further (on my PC, which has no encoding issue)...
Encoding.default_external = UTF-8But..
puts file_data.encoding
file_data.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1').encode("UTF-8") if defined?(Encoding)
puts file_data.encodingGenerates...
ISO-8859-1I would have thought that the second encoding would always be UTF-8? I am trying to understand the insidious world of Encoding (thanks to Ruby 2)! Any advice or explanation would be appreciated.
Context: A major plugin which simply wishes to reliably read a CSV file is currently useless due to the Encoding ISO-8859-1 issue.
@marksup said:
Update - I have sent a user an .rbz, and he gets the error:
Error: #<ArgumentError: unknown encoding name - ISO-8859-1>
resulting from...
file_data.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1').encode("UTF-8") if defined?(Encoding)He is using Windows 8, SketchUp 14, on a PC. How can this be??! - and what advice can I pass on?
Could it be that he's using the first release for SU2014? There was a bug there where when opening SketchUp via an SKP file that is located on a drive other than where SketchUp is installed parts of the Ruby interpreter wasn't initialized - that include some of the encodings.
Can you please make sure the user has kept his installation up to date? -
@marksup said:
file_data.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1').encode("UTF-8") if defined?(Encoding)
By the way, one should really try to avoid using force_encoding. There are some scenarios where one has to because Ruby itself return strings with the incorrect encoding (Like the FILE magic variable.) but I often see this pattern when people open files. If that is the case then one should ideally spesify the encoding in the IO.open (File.open) arguments.