SU 2013 crash with Thea install. Now, no SU2013 in OS 10.7.5
I installed Thea in the Mac Pro. Now SU 2013 crashes upon start. I've just put Thea in the trash and restarted. SU still crashes. Perhaps the problem is related to the fact that I have OS 10.7.5?
I've removed SketchUp 2013 app folder and App support folder…trashed it. Removed the application support SketchUp folder… emptied trash… restarted. reinstalled and Crash.
Actually, I'm wiping the sweat off my brow. Now that I'm trying to put a new SU 2013 in, It is not creating the App support files! Yet, somewhere in cache memory it tries to open previous SU file windows. SU 2013 launches and as soon as it starts loading plugins… it crashes. Meanwhile, I'm not able to use SU for finishing the job I was on. I'm kinda of weak in knees and admitting that it was most stupid of me to throw files in the trash and empty with confidence that it would all be reestablished with a new install. Dumb, dumb… dumb! I'm in serious trouble now.Any Yoda out there who can Force lift this X-wing out of the Swamp?
Is 'Thea for SketchUp' the only plugin installed? I doubt.
There were plugins that make our plugin crash: SunPosition, PlayUp, MatchBox .. to name few. I think they haven't been updated since, so most probably they still do.
You have to remove all plugins from ~/Library/Apllication Support/Sketchup 2013/Sketchup/Plugins to make SU start again.
Hello tomasz,
I FINALLY figured it out!
With the release of Lion, the User library is hidden by default. Type (or copy/paste) the following into terminal and your user library will no longer be hidden:
chflags nohidden ~/Library/
Now unhidden, I found 'Thea4SU_files' & Thea4SU_loader.rb, I removed them, opened a previous version of SU 2013…
IT WORKED. I updated to the last update and it's stable.
Thank you. However, this problem was unique with the default settings of OS 10.7.5 on a Mac Pro. It's rare because it is the last OS version support on the MacPro, but not designed for this system. Actually, because SU 2013 does not support previous OS versions… and that the MacPro can't support any version of OS above 10.7.5… I got stuck in a crack that most would not be in.
I am so pleased. Again, thank you.