Sketchup make
I feel an uninstall in my future, thanks!
Small price to pay for a free program.
a work around.
make a start.ahk file with windows to automate it for you.
or train you pet or kid to do it.
ha ha ..... ha! -
Heck I still have a working copy of 7, so now I have 3 SU versions, I will leave the new one alone for a while.
Ok then I installed some plugins in 2013, got an error, about permissions for the plugins store, plugins button I confirmed that things were cool. Now when I start SU2013 I get a splat a second after I click the continue using SketChup.
Any ideas? -
Apparently things aren't cool. Did you set the permissions for the Plugins folder?
We are good to go, after some tweaking, so far anyway.
I added some plugins, things seem to be working OK, but the sandbox tools extension is not showing up in the window>preferences>extensions, so I can't enable the tools, did I miss a step?
Look in the Plugins folder. Do you have a file called su_sandbox.rb?
I do now I had to download it, from the extension warehouse.
There is something screwed up with your installation. Sandbox is included in the original download. You also mention in another thread that you have the 0.skb problem, all this suggests a faulty installation possibly caused by a network issue.
Some complete information from you might help someone troubleshoot your problems. Filling in your profile so we have some idea of the basics, including more specifics on your setup in a post, and giving a fuller explanation of the problems you are having would go a long way to helping yourself. -
The 0.skb problem is in SU8, the sandbox issue was in SU2013.