Suggest a new project
How about two hands holding a LEGO model of the Radcliffe Camera, with a bird resting atop it with its wings spread out?
A sci-fi interior.
Model the Stig.
Try something you'd like to create and that challenge your SU skills.
I am high jacking this as I want to be challenged... like Really challenged ! Hit me !
As for Bryan, please model this in Sketchup, in 3D . The model must be at least 90% accurate, without the animation.
You have yet to do a piece of furniture, here is an easy one to start with.
Model this:
@ely862me said:
I am high jacking this as I want to be challenged... like Really challenged ! Hit me !
As for Bryan, please model this in Sketchup, in 3D . The model must be at least 90% accurate, without the animation.
You did not show anything to challenge or I miss something?
The leather case?
@gilles said:
You did not show anything to challenge or I miss something?
he showed the berserk face
@daniel said:
How about two hands holding a LEGO model of the Radcliffe Camera, with a bird resting atop it with its wings spread out?
I think I am gonna take the leather case if Bryan isn't !
@daniel said:
How about two hands holding a LEGO model of the Radcliffe Camera, with a bird resting atop it with its wings spread out?
When you've finished with that, scale it flat into an allegorical bas relief to put in the pediment of your historical building
@daniel said:
How about two hands holding a LEGO model of the Radcliffe Camera, with a bird resting atop it with its wings spread out?
I'm sorry, I overlooked pbacot's suggestion - the hands should belong to a Native American sitting on the roof of a pueblo. If you insist, he can be in Solo's chair which is on top of the pueblo; but at that point people might think you are just showing off.
And of course the bird on top needs to be upsidedown so everyone gets the chance to flip the bird.
I have it: I'm going to design a Japanese design influenced park alley.
It is more like a vacant lot turned into a "pocket" park between two large building that is also a walk-through between streets.
Woke up with this vision in my head. I can see it clear as day. Watch for the thread later today of tomorrow.
Oh and thanks for the suggestions....