Easy way to determine components list etc, export parts list
I am currently working with a modular exhibition kit system. Each component in Sketchup has its own product number / name. Once I have assembled a stand, is there an easy way to export a component list / assembly summary so this can be passed on for costings and to our production department? I am looking for something that lists each part and how many of that part are used in each design. I have seen some plug ins but they were more geared towards carpentry, anything more product based for quantities? Obviously, anything which allows a value attribute to be attached would be even better. Ideally so we can export and paste into a spreadsheet etc.
Thank you,
Have you tried Generate Report under the File menu? It'll give you more info than you need but you can edit the results to eliminate what you don't. The CutList plugin (see Extension Warehouse) could do the same and you can just delete the columns of data you don't want.
Thanks for this, I looked at the Cutlist plug in, might re visit it and see if I can tailor it more to what I need. Many thanks for your response
It generates a CSV file that is easily edited in Excel. And if you add a word from your component Definition Names to the "Part Words" list, it will sort all of the components into the Parts section and won't give you board feet or any of the other dimensions.
Thank you for this, it looks really useful. I have been able to add in prompt words or numbers from each part- and it allows me to export a .csv file and quantity of each. Many thanks for this, it is most appreciated!
Take a look at this one to can groom the out put to suit in excel
I am using the cutlist plug in with relative success; it seems a great way to be able to export a summary of what is contained in a model. However, on larger models with many components it is struggling- is there any useful hints to help streamline the process? Groups, explode etc? The model is 50mb. Also seem to be getting the warning regarding oversize stock, which I assume is relating to wood work
Any points would be really handy!
Thanks again
First, the oversize parts message could be ignored. The plugin is indeed designed with normal woodworking sorts of projects in mind.
As for streamlining the process, it's difficult to say without seeing what you have set up now. Keep in mind the plugin will only report components or groups at the lowest level. Exploding them will just prevent them from showing in the list. If you make extensive use of nesting, you might consider reducing the number of levels of nesting. You might also find it useful to make selections of parts of the model and run the cutlist for each part. You could use layers to control the visibility of various parts of the model and run the cutlist only on those parts that are visible.
Thanks for your response; I am getting there.. I am experiencing some strange issues though; for some reason, even when using the same settings, it doesn't always run. Has anyone else experienced this? Seems a bit on and off at times, sometimes it works fine and exports a summary, sometimes it hangs and sometimes not at all?
Also, I am noticing on running the plug in it is adding in a component near the origin- not a component I have in my model either!
Are you using cutlist? Or is this referring to the Report Generator? How are you identifying that the component is near the origin? Is it a component you have in the In Model? Can you identify the component?
I am using Cutlist, no idea what this component is- Ill see if I can get it to do it again and post the image...
How do you know it is a component near the origin? CutList doesn't report coordinates.