Push several drillings- holes at once
You have the PRO version so the solid tools maybe a solution (subtraction).
Or JPP with an intersection and some fast cleanup?
And a third way... http://screenr.com/mstH
ok, now we talk business
, thanks. will check that all
@cotty said:
Or JPP with an intersection and some fast cleanup?
Something like this... http://screenr.com/ostH
Carsten, you don't need to extrude through and intersect, JPP uses the same inference system as normal PP so it will stop at the other side if you click that edge.
@box said:
Carsten, you don't need to extrude through and intersect, JPP uses the same inference system as normal PP so it will stop at the other side if you click that edge.
I thought so but as I tried it, the holes were not open?!
Works for me using JPP VectorPP
Not for me
My version is as fast as you describe. One push pull. I didn't make it clear.
@pbacot said:
My version is as fast as you describe. One push pull. I didn't make it clear.
Of course, but it is nice to have as many possibilities as possible
@cotty said:
@pbacot said:
My version is as fast as you describe. One push pull. I didn't make it clear.
Of course, but it is nice to have as many possibilities as possible
Didn't mean your method, Cotty. This is before those posts.
I can't get JPP to work for this. What's the trick?
Oh I see Vector Pushpull, but I still get faces on the back side.
Yeah it still leaves a face, but so does extruding through and intersecting, it needs to be removed either way.
I only mentioned JPP in response to the question of moving more than one face at a time.pbacot, your way is naturally the fastest.
a DC component is another method, place, size, copy array multiply then when happy....explode..3 times
one for the group
one to cut back faces
at last another to remove the groups and smaller componentsthis can be achieved via right click, select context menu "explode"
note afterwards it pays to purge the drawing as unused components remain attached to the file.Something else to add to the tool box?..
I have been reading this post and surprised that no one has mention "Hole in Solid" tool. I use this plugin, to make holes, trim, and modify. There are a few times it won't do what you wished, then I use the solid tools. But for a fast method of trimming things, like I-beam, you can't beat "Hole on Solid".
Just learn how to use it and you will be surprised how fast you can modify your model. This plugin is really great for drilling holes in tubular members.
@unknownuser said:
I have been reading this post and surprised that no one has mention "Hole in Solid" tool. I use this plugin, to make holes, trim, and modify. There are a few times it won't do what you wished, then I use the solid tools. But for a fast method of trimming things, like I-beam, you can't beat "Hole on Solid".
KenIt's the second or third time that you bring this little DUH! to me
And you are right with this every time! Thank you. -
I'm kind of surprised no one has mentioned the Drill Array tool in the Wudworx toolset.
You can instantly drill through or blind holes with or without countersinks or counterbores wherever you click on a face.
And if you want an array of holes you can click to make a hole at one end of the array, click to put a hole at the other end of the array and hit /n, where n is the number of copies just like you would with the Move tool or you can click to make the first and second holes in the array and type Xn or *n. -
Well Dave my Duh moment for today. Did not know that you could use this tool as an array hole drill
Where to get that "Wudworx toolset" ?
You can follow the link one post before your question...
Or you could click on the link in my post.