[REQ] copy and paste camera/scene
I'd really like to be able to, say right click on a scene tab and copy then in another session of SU to be able to paste it, or even have a plugin that could copy all scenes and paste in place into a new SU session.
Does this make sense? is there something already available or will it need to be made, is it even possible?
And you don't mean Save As>Newfilename?
Hi Solo,
I encounter this quite a lot, especially when i have more version of some design and i need to have the same views for better comparison of the differences. I also would like to By able to copy scene-tab with all its information and paste it to other document.
Maybe there is a way with advanced camera tools. Selected mounted camera with real world parameters and paste it to other document. I did properly tested this. Its usually faster for my to copy the document with desired scene position and copy, paste in place needed geometry.so what do you think
D.PS: i hope i didn't misunderstood.
Maybe making a plugin that will store all the scenes camera positions coordinates into a group or component. Then you will be able to copy that entity and paste it on another SketchUp model so that when you run plugin again on new file, it will remake all the scenes as before with saved camera positions. What I am questioning is how to store the style info as well and not only camera position.
if only importing a model could place it at origin it would enough then override it.
I'll try to explain... let's say I've "model1.skp" with the scenes I would like to apply to "model2.skp". I could delete all the objects of "model1.skp" and import "model2.skp" inside it, then save as "model2.skp". The problem is that inserting the model requires a point to place it, so I need to define a reference origin before.
Or do you know a way to insert a model directly keeping the same global axes? (...that would need a discussion itself) -
mmm... actually it seems that the insertion point of the imported model is its axes origin, so you've just to show axes and put it on the origin of the model with the scenes.
The method you present is indeed effective if you have your model working properly. However if you have some errors or the clipping plane problem in your model, it wouldn't do you any good.
You could try copy and paste in place but, with heavy models it probably would be very difficult with the 3GB Ram limit of 32-bit skecthup (I think).
What you can do also is to create a component for the whole model define its axis to be on origin of model and export that component using "save as" option available on context menus either on outliner, component manager, or model screen.
Then you would import that component to a new file and you have it in the same origin.
If this file has all scenes defined the new model will be shown in those scenes.
It's a cumbersome process and it would be much more effective to copy scenes from model to model.
There are some plugins that can exchange scene cameras from one file to another but for me those are not enough as scenes are much more than cameras and all of its parameters should be able to be copied/pasted.
For architecture It would be fundamental to replicate also:
- Active sections;
- Active layers;
- Shadows on/off and time/date:
- Styles;
- I just don't care much about axis and I control my hidden geometry through layers so I wouldn't care much about that either...
I think I read something about this being impossible with Ruby, but I bet it would be a simple feature for Sketchup Team at Trimble..
Best regards,
Thanks guys, I found a solution here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/Ruby-API/WbFi0fhe1ZI
I'm surprised no one suggested Page ExIm from Smustard.com. It's been around for years.
Edit: Oops. I see you found an older version on your own, Pete.