Bring back "Load saved toolbar"
@cotty said:
@gareth said:
...and here I am a few hours later trying to assemble my toolbars the way I have always been accustomed to, and without any success.
Do you have a screenshot of what you are trying to reach?
yep.....the same as Dave's screenshot
after 9 years of having my toolbars on the left side, it has become instinctive to find what I want quickly and effortlessly
a good anology is this....I have always owned a car with the indicator arm on the right side of the steering wheel column, my partner owns an Audi and the indicator is on the left, When I drive her car I frequently turn corners with the windscreen wipers on....!!
My point is that sometimes it is too hard to retrain the brain....!!
Anyhow, where do I find how to make Custom Toolbars like Dave's ?
Gareth, here's how I made my custom toolbars. Forst, I made a screen shot of my SU8 toolbars so I could see the order. I imported that into SU2013 as an image so I could see it without having to look elsewhere. Next, I went to View>Toolbars and turned on all the native toolbars and placed them in the drawing space. Where doesn't matter much. Just group them somewhere so they don't hide the image you've inserted. Click on the New button and create a new toolbar. Give it a name you can remember for a moment or two, like Left Toolbar. Make a second toolbar the same way and call it Right Toolbar. Now you're all set.
Hold Ctrl and drag each button from it's default toolbar to the appropriate new toolbar. Holding Ctrl will cause the button to be copied instead of moved. When you've got a couple of buttons on each toolbar they can be reshaped to vertical. Continue dragging tools until you have all you want. Close the default toolbars when you're finished with them.
After you've made the toolbars you can drag them over to the left side next to each other and you're done.
FWIW, last night I updated my graphics drivers. For some reason after doing that, SU opened at about a quarter of the screen size. I just dragged the window back to normal size and the toolbars were exactly as before. If that had been SU8, the toolbars would have been scrambled. I think folks are crazy if they like SU8's toolbar behavior.
Thanks Dave
.....I'll give that a try (I'll blame you if the windscreen wipers come on....!!
Whoever thought that the new Toolbar setup in SU 2013 was a good idea ?
Seriously? You've never had scrambled toolbars? And apparently you've never had to help others who did, either. If you did, you'd be thankful for the new toolbars. I'm happy to not have to teach new users how to deal with the scrambled toolbar thing.
Yep, I remember having had the scrambling issue a few times in previous SU versions and thought it was my computer's fault when it happened. I don't recall it happening in SU8 though.
But I was referring to the Toolbar layout arrangement in 2013 being a bad idea.
Anyhow, your idea works brilliantly. Thank you for your advice.
I genuinely appreciate your help and I now have a Toolbar layout I am comfortable and familiar with.
I don't understand why you think the SU2013 toolbar thing is a bad idea. You can customize the toolbars to display only those tools you need and save real estate for plugin toolbars and you can change the size and proportions of the drawing window without wrecking the toolbar layout. And when you're opening toolbars you don't have to continually hit View>Toolbars to pick each toolbar individually. Who wouldn't want that?
@dave r said:
I don't understand why you think the SU2013 toolbar thing is a bad idea. You can customize the toolbars to display only those tools you need and save real estate for plugin toolbars and you can change the size and proportions of the drawing window without wrecking the toolbar layout. And when you're opening toolbars you don't have to continually hit View>Toolbars to pick each toolbar individually. Who wouldn't want that?
Well when you put it that way I am compelled to agree.
Although it is the process, in my view, which is a little inconvenient. But now that I know how to do it (which was fairly simple thanks to your succinct tips) it looks neat and clean...and yes, the Plugin toolbars are now nicely seperated
@dave r said:
Frankly, I like the toolbars handling much more in SU2013. I haven't had a single instance of scrambled toolbars which was a common occurrence in SU8.
Dave, I totally agree with you. The new system does fix the scrambled toolbar problem in SU8. However, they removed the "Load saved toolbar" function. One might think, who needs it if SU2013 fix the scrambled toolbars, right? Well, you will need it if you encounter the new issue I talked about when I started this thread. When you click on an icon and move/drag it by mistake, you will lose the toolbar set that the icon belongs to. With "the Load saved toolbar", you can fix that issue by one click of the mouse. Without it, it's kind of time consuming to find the icons and put them back.
With the new toolbars handling, I was hoping that SU2013 would keep the "Load saved toolbars" too, therefore we would have the best of both worlds.
Have a good one,
Taking what Ken is saying ones step further would be exporting your toolbar setup to load on another computer. Or as part of different setups, as with the new "sets" in the SU store plugin.
@box said:
Taking what Ken is saying ones step further would be exporting your toolbar setup to load on another computer. Or as part of different setups, as with the new "sets" in the SU store plugin.
That would be ideal for people using both work and home computers.