Fix Position of Dialog Boxes Please
I have seen various workarounds but none work for me. Why O Why can't there be an option to fix the dialog boxes to the right of the screen exactly like in Layout. I find I am always inadvertently closing boxes when all I need to do is roll them up.
If it can be done in Layout surely it can be done in Sketchup.
Most software packages get new releases and their user interface gets better. Sketchup seems to be the exception. It is such a great piece of software. IMO someone needs to get to work on the interface. SU 2013 contains no such improvements and for me is a big disappointment.
Phew! Back to drawing.
Though I definetely agree with you I have organized mine like this...
You can organize on the mac but it gets messed up all the time. Mac windows and icons have always been bad for SU.