Lost 'Fluid' Operation.
Hi again, everyone.
Allow me to, first, make it known that I am not going to bombard this forum with a whole lot of questions, in my journey to learn this software, but I do have a present issue that I am trying to surmount.
Until now, I had been experiencing very fluid movements with the tool sets. Let me try to clarify just what I am talking about. Say, for instance, that the use the rectangular tool to draw out a rectangle. I then take the 'Push/Pull' tool to extrude that rectangular base into a 3D box. Well, before, that extrusion was as smooth as could be. Now, however, in taking the pointer to its desired height, I have to wait a bit for the extrusion to meet my pointer's position - as the extrusion process makes a stop & start travel to that point.
I have done nothing different between the time that things were smooth, and the stop/start fashion of how the movement presently responds. Has anyone else experienced anything of the like? If so, how did you overcome it (providing that you DID overcome it).
Nathan, you might experiment with the OpenGL settings under Preferences. It might be that you'll find ticking or unticking the boxes another combination will give you better performance. Start by turning off Use Hardware Acceleration.
@dave r said:
Nathan, you might experiment with the OpenGL settings under Preferences. It might be that you'll find ticking or unticking the boxes another combination will give you better performance. Start by turning off Use Hardware Acceleration.
Dave, I just finished trying what you had suggested, yet nothing has served to alter the condition. I tried everything - within that 'OpenGL' settings area - but no change. Being that the program HAD run as smooth as it possibly could, and is problematic in that area now - especially after my not having changed any settings by which to cause it - I am left with the assumption that the causative factor has to lie within my computer, itself.
But I thank you, as always, for your input.