Piping Plug-In Beta Test Volunteers Needed
I used to do Ultra Sonic inspection of piping... API Inspection stuff; finding thicknesses and determining corrosion rates. So any place in this plugin that could show original thicknesses and UT readings over a period of years would be awesome. Laying out existing Piping and tank systems would be great for that industry too.
Now that I'm back in architecture, I don't have much call for it.
That's very interesting β some years ago I considered interfacing a UT inspection data management system (I think it was called "UltraPipe") with a 3D piping CAD model. The concept was never implemented as most people were still working in a 2D world back then. The idea may have been ahead of it's time, but with 3D more common-place now perhaps there's a potential audience for such an interface.
That's exactly what is was called... UltraPipe I think I still have a copy.
I was both on the sales side and the inspection side and the plants love, love, loved the visual representation of the 3 drawings. I was doing simplistic 3D representations in Autocad. And being that these 3rd party inspections were required of anyone with tanks and pipes, it's a big market.
We are very pleased to announce the first public release of PipeDraft β a cloud-based and spec-driven piping plug-in for SketchUp. For more information visit the product web site: www.pipedraft.com
We are especially grateful to the sketchUcation team for hosting the beta test forum and to all the volunteers that helped us test the product and provide us with valuable feedback for both this release and future releases.
On behalf of the entire PipeDraft project team, THANKS everyone!
Well, you may wish to inspect your install. I have installed the free plugin in a clean, new installation with nothing but the original plugins, and I have no draftpipe toolbar.
I installed PipeDraft this morning and when I opened Sketchup it would immediately Bugsplat. Had to uninstall PipeDraft and restart my computer to get Sketchup working again. Pretty scary. I'll try it again later.
Thank You,
Hi Ken,
What version of Windows and SketchUp are you using?
Did you install the extension using SU's built-in methods?
Preferences> Extensions > Install Extension...
Then select the rbz file, etc.
Once installed, you should see PipeDraft as an option in your Plugin menu in your toolbar as shown in this snapshot:
Let me know.
Hi Paul,
@unknownuser said:
...when I opened Sketchup it would immediately Bugsplat.
Does SketchUp bugsplat before you try to launch ANY plugins/extensions? If not, what plugins are listed in your plugins menu before it bugsplats?
Do you have any of the quarantined plugins installed?
Let me know.
@pipedraft said:
Hi Ken,
What version of Windows and SketchUp are you using?
Did you install the extension using SU's built-in methods?
Preferences> Extensions > Install Extension...
Then select the rbz file, etc.
Once installed, you should see PipeDraft as an option in your Plugin menu in your toolbar as shown in this snapshot:
[attachment=0:282hj8w1]<!-- ia0 -->image2889.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:282hj8w1]
Let me know.
Yes, I finally got the plugin to show up.
However, I have removed the plugin, I don't like plugins that require Internet access or using my email. There isn't any room left in my computer for your company and the Gov't.
I don't use programs that required Internet connection or email access or have a yearly subscription price.
The truth the free version didn't offer any benefits above other piping plugins that I use. Other personnel that have piping modeling requirement above and beyond what I need may find this a worthy plugin.
Thank for the reply.
Yes, it Bugsplats before I launch anything. In fact, it Bugsplats as soon as Sketchup opens and the toolbars show up. And no, I do not have any of the quarantined plugins installed. I will try it again later and report back.
Thank You,