Reporting height and width with Cutlist 4.1
Although I have searched threads for this, I am sure this question has been asked before.When Cutlist reports parts from Sketchup, it always puts the longest figure first.
What I want to do is have my parts appear as they do in my model. So if I have a drawerbank like I have attached and it has 2 drawers that are 360 high and 600 wide, I want them to appear like this in Cutlist.....360 as the length and 600 as the width.I have tried this with: groups, components, putting components inside components and tried different axis rotations but to no avail.
Any tips would be appreciated.
The length along the grain is normally the longest dimension. A case such as this where you want to run the face grain vertically on the drawer fronts, would be an exception. There's no setting available to account for that. I use the plugin extensively and on those rare occasions when I run into this issue, I just manually swap the dimensions while editing the CSV file. It's a very minor inconvenience considering the benefits of the plugin for me.
Hi Dave,
Grain running vertically where I am is an everyday occurrence in the kitchen industry in Australia....the exception here seems to be horizontal grain.One of the reasons I am after this is that as cabinetmakers we were taught that on a cutting list, the first dimension is always the height (drawer - door - panel etc) and the second dimension is always the width. This is a standard in our trade in Australia.
I am also testing out exporting my parts to Cutting Optimizer Pro and if the material is grained, my doors optimise correctly but my drawers require manual intervention either at the CSV file level or rotating in the optimising software.
I was just hoping that thare was something in Sketchup that could export dimensions the way I view them in the file.
Wayne, the standard for woodworking here is that the length is given as the distance along the grain and it is nearly always the longest dimension. The plugin has to use some sort of convention and so it takes the longest of the three dimensions as length. This works fine for the primary target audience of the plugin, woodworkers who are working mainly with real wood.
Yeah, I get that but no harm in asking
Most of what we do here with kitchens and bathrooms is "pre-finished" board
You're right. No harm in asking.
Yes, I understand the kitchen cabinet business is like that. I used to think that was crazy but I've changed my thinking. It's better to use termite poop and low grade weeds for kitchens and baths and save the good stuff for fine furniture and proper boats (not tupperware boats).
Dave, while I'm at it (and you are obviously well versed in Cutlist 4.1) would you be able to tell me how to stop getting this error?
It still produces the CSV I need but stops me from getting board patterns.
I have removed it from the plugins folder and downloaded a fresh copy and put it back in but it won't go away.cheers...Wayne
That's a known, recently appearing issue and the author is working on an update. I'm planning on doing a blog post when he releases it.
Blog post made. See this.