Globally select all groups in model?
Hi thomthom, it worked thanks. However unfortunately it did not assign the individual group copies with the same component definition, but instead gave each copy it's own unique definition.
multiple copies of one definition, is what i really need in order to make the model workable. Is there any way of tweaking it?
After I ran your "[Plugin] Component Comparison (0.2.0a) β 15 August 2010" which achieved my aim on nested components too, but on a smaller file as the large file is struggling with both scripts
If his script selects all the groups you can right click a component in the component browser and replace selected. Oppps sorry, doesn't work that way with groups.
Box, any idea how to tweak that code to achieve aim?
I know less about coding than I do about pleasing women.
But if you just want to replace a whole bunch of groups with the same component. It seems to me you can use outliner to select the groups, or if TT has given you something that selects the groups, then you can use convert groups to component and then swap them for the one you want, or Drop Components, another of Thomthoms.
If it's more complex than that I can't help.
But I'm sure he'll pop back here with just the thing after he has had his saturday lunchtime beer.
haha, yeah thanks Box. Unfortunately I have about 1500 groups, so going through the outliner or using the comp dropper would take till Christmas! TT's script converts all my groups to comps, but makes each group copy unique component definitions, thus increasing file size. which is the opposite of what i'm trying to achieve. Still progress though
Ok, but once they are components, if they stay selected it's one click to replace all of them with one.
yeah, they don't stay selected & what one click would it be? make component. That wouldn't decrease the file size
You can replace selected, therefore you would be changing all the components to instances of one. so file size would be drastically reduced from multiple groups.
Try on another file, select various different components, then in the component browser right click on a component and select Replace component.
Sorry, maybe i didn't make myself clear. I have 1500 groups, comprised of many different group copies(different objects). E.g there are multiple copies of doors, windows, ceilings etc & replacing these with one component definition, would replace the multitude of different objects with one.
That's what I thought and why I said above, if it's more complex than that.........
and I was explaining my one click comment.
@fullyfledgeded said:
Sorry, maybe i didn't make myself clear. I have 1500 groups, comprised of many different group copies(different objects). E.g there are multiple copies of doors, windows, ceilings etc & replacing these with one component definition, would replace the multitude of different objects with one.
Ah, you had group copies of many different types of doors and windows etc - and wanted to convert geometrically identical groups into components? That is a very difficult task! I made an attempt a few years ago:
Partially worked, but doesn't work with nested groups/components. Need to do some major rewrite to make that work - and I've simply not had time. -
Yes thomthom, that's right. I have had some success with even on nested comps'!!!:
but it doesn't work as well on the subject of this post, partly because loads of the comps' are grouped.
Is there any way of selecting every set of group copies globally,nested or not? It takes ages manually, using the outliner & anyway, context clicking them > group copies > covert to components, only seems to do one set at a time? Plus, the selection, can only be in one nested group/comp' at a time.
I would even pay good money for a script that does this, as if i can't find an alternative, i will have start the slow process one by one.
Didn't my snippet I posted earlier convert all groups to components?
It does, but it gives each group, it's own unique component definition name regardless of whether or not it is a group or group copy. I need the group copies to inherit the same component definition. Can the code be tweaked?
So - are all groups supposed to be the same component? the geometry is identical between all of them?
Ah - so the identical doors and windows etc are actually copes of each other? Entity info will say that there are copies of that group?
In which case it should be possible to tweak the script. -
There are multiple geometrically identical:
- doors
- windows,
- walls
etc, going up to about 200 different architectural objects.
Way too many to convert manually with selection toys, as follows:
context click > group copies > covert to components
As it only seems to convert one at a time.
yes, the identical doors and windows etc are actually copies of each other. Entity info does saythat there are copies of that group.
Your selection toys, allows the doors and windows etc to be converted to comps' one by one, but not globally all at the same time(what i need) . Oh & its kinda imperative that the code can globally locate them all too, so i don't have to do that manually.
@fullyfledgeded said:
Oh & its kinda imperative that the code can globally locate them all too, so i don't have to do that manually.
"Globally locate"?