Layers Should Lock?
Being able to lock a layer should be standard...
It's possible in LO and should also be possible in SU... -
I'm hoping this also means you can't edit entities on that layer if they are locked!
If it's just to prevent purging the layer then I'm not bothered so much, there are bigger issues.
I'll had this to the todo list for my Layers Panel plugin.
Having the option could only be a good thing, so YES
Been wishing for this for so long. It is nice to do so in Acad (pretty much anything that uses layers). It is such a simple thing you have to wonder why it was never implemented to start with.
@krisidious said:
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
I'll had this to the todo list for my Layers Panel plugin.
I should say that I won't be able to work on the plugin until the end of july... Sorry for the wait !
July is better than never...
@krisidious said:
... If I make the mistake of purging too early in a model's progress I lose most of those layers.
Somewhat of an aside to the issue of being able to lock layers (+1 for that) - in AutoCAD I use what I call a 'seed' drawing as the base for all drawings. The drawing has, in the lower left corner below 0,0, a miscellaneous assembly of lines, dimensions, texts, hatches, leaders, some basic items like hardware (I do a lot of shop drawings for fabricators), architectural symbols, section cuts, etc. The purpose of the seed drawing is to make all that material readily available to me and to prevent it from disappearing when I Purge. Keeping that rats nest of stuff means that after I Purge I haven't lost my dashed line, my center line, or any of the other items that I might not be using at that moment in the drawing but likely might later on.
Kris: empty layers get purged only. Could you place a guide point (say to the origin not to clutter your model) on each layer in your template?
That was my idea Gaieus... However when I unhide all I'll run into issues. I think I'll need to put the guide inside of a group and then hide the guide inside the group. that should leave it there. Then of course I was a little worried that i would do something to all my models I might come to regret later for unknown reasons.