[Plugin] Update all other scenes..
wow, that is amazing!
i put a menu in it - i'll link in the first post - works great Rafael... i'd love to see ThomThom go through the motions while i fire my magic script!
PS ..don't tempt me!
Very good idea I will be using this...please keep coming up with great ideas and if you need help in scripting let us know.
actually i just realised the camera view also gets changed, which is dangerous..
i think what i'd like to change are shadow settings and style and fog
otherwise, even better might be for the script to call up a similar dialog as the scene one.
of course the changes propagate to all scenes (in the slideshow) without having to manually select them.
(got excited too soon..)
That can be fixed...I will do some tests and let you know.
Here is a quick test for not changing camera settings but yes to everything else...
model = Sketchup.active_model pages = model.pages pages.each {|page| if page.label[-1..-1] != ")" if page.use_camera? page.use_camera = false page.update page.use_camera = true else page.update end end }
Now to add a dlg as to what you posted that might need a web dlg which is not that hard to do. Beside the camera you don't want other things like hidden stuff and layers so let me see how to go about that...cheers!
Works great Rafael, in fact it is faster than going through the scene manager (with the thumbnails updated etc) - the change is instant on all scenes - if you have a long animation, it's great to check different styles.
i'm wondering, what is easier webdialog or input box?
Not sure which one is faster between input box & web-dialog but I personally prefer web-dialog because you can have more control with it and can add some advance stuff that input box can't. Pretty sure both of them are fast so we won't have any problems there. I am working at a web-dialog to test it at the moment, will post it soon so you can make tests on it as-well.
By the way I am having some difficulties to replace other pages styles without affecting things like visible layers, hidden entities, ect.
I can still make them remember their properties to save check boxes if checked or not but the style that is applied to them carry its properties and overwrites them except for camera which seems to be only one we got working at the moment.
Anyways will keep you posted...cheers!
Note: the input box example you posted above seems like it would work fine though.
, yes i tried running your plugin with some other commands from the api but was not successful..(
anyway, had some thoughts on this: i think it'd be good if we had 2 button (hence the 2 icons)
one button shows the dialog, another repeats the same choices without the dialog.what do you think?
Seems like a great idea!
I am almost finish with the web dialog so will be posting it soon.
Oh and nice icons!
[RE]SCENE v1.0.0(Current version tools buttons)
For now there is no options until we can figure out some stuff but the camera position of each page is maintained when plugin is used.
Here is an example on how more options will look on web dlg;
Download: [RE]SCENE v1.0.0
Note: CadFather maybe you will put new updates on top post if you see fit...will let that up to you.
at 1.45am, it is good to see this update!
looking good - in fact the graphic looks way better than my icons..
if you think you'll manage to overcome the options thing, i'll wait before updating the first post..
ps. btw, you shouldn't put 'cad' - name it as one of your plugins. in fact you could consider to put all your plugins in one RZ folder, and just use some loaders to call them up... anyway..just taking too much credit since you're doing all the work!
EDIT: actually it is working really well already! i'll update the first post..
Well maybe update it now because I am not to sure how to make the options work at the moment so it might take longer than expected.
And CadFather this plugin is your idea and ideas deserve more credit than you think, even more than what I am doing but don't worry lets call it our plugin and we both be happy.
And its 9:06 PM here
very nice plugin.
you can add an option to rename all the scenes?thanks
@jorge2011 said:
very nice plugin.
you can add an option to rename all the scenes?thanks
This is very good idea!...added it to the to-do list for next update.
Note: By the way CadFather I added few more tool bar buttons;
web dialog [Re]Scene
Redo [Re]Scene
Previous Scene
Next Scene
Delete Scene
Add SceneSome of this I found eliminated some extra clicks to perform so I found them useful hope you do as well...will be posting it soon (maybe not tomorrow but soon).
If you will like me to make new topic so I don't have to bother you with updating the first post every time there is an update let me know.
What do you think?
Sure, and don't call it cadfather!
@cadfather said:
Sure, and don't call it cadfather!
I will do that eventually and I promise not to call it CadFather!