[WIP]SCF Plugin Repo/Auto Installer
The default API installer [like the Preferences > Extensions > Install button] always uses the default Plugins folder - the one got from the Sketchup.find_support_file("Plugins") API command.
But that's the whole idea of 'auto-installation'.
If we are letting users freely chose their own folders then the mayhem isn't abated at all ! They'll continue install things in the wrong places, perhaps even worse than now...
If changes to the API allow an IT-guy to set another default Plugins folder that is NOT the standard one then presumably the API auto-installer would/could use that too.
Most users will use the standard folder ? -
As applications are part of the whole system, it's best to use a fixed predictable path in the file system. This does not need to be the physical location.
I think it's a much cleaner way and avoids compatibility issues to use symbolic links or mount points if you want/need to customize on which physical location your data is stored. Applications don't notice, don't need to consider it and can't break.
The plugin repository infrastructure will give an awesome future for SketchUp, especially that plugins can have real metadata (at the moment it's all scattered over forum threads of various styles, readable for humans but not machine-readable). I imagine it like this:(me): SketchUp, I want to do …… !
(SketchUp): I don't have such a tool but SketchUcation has a plugin for that.
(me): Install it and launch it, please! -
Initially we may add an auto-install feature to the forum while we build the repo features.
Things like allowing scripters to sell, collate customers details for incremental updates, version control etc...
For members things like ratings, top plugins, recently added, search by author etc.
They main thing is that from our testing so far is we are able to install direct from SCF directly within SU.
Just a note... In America "Repo" means to take something back, as in to take a car back that someone has not paid for. Short for Repossession. I know you're using it in the Repository sense of the word. But everytime I see it I can't help but think you're going to repo my plugins.
Launching soon.....
Will be very marvelous if each Plugin has a little explain image (or video) in the first post!
Some has, but not all! -
looks fantastic!
It does look fantastic, one of the most useful plugins around.
The fact you are working on it perhaps explains why the Plugin index is a bit wonky just now. Strange graphic effects, or it might be my new glasses.
Cool music!
Where is this new tool ?
It's not a "first April" "April Fools' Day" ?
Can I publish the video ?
No joke. Very real
800+ plugins one click away
300+ videos
170000+ happy members
Can I publish the video ?
Sent from my iPad
So 517 000 members can see it!
Looks klaas lads.
I'm in!
Wow! That looks really cool.
This is an excellent concept, Rich. Video well done and narrated.