Extrude angle around curve?
You need a face to use follow me tool, not edge.
Move tool could also work in this case.
Just teasing. -
Jean would say "just ideas":
Gilles had the key. I needed a face not a edge!!
Hi Ralph, hi folks.
Read the help about the Follow me tool:
Just ideas.
Ok I have been fighting with this for a while.
Follow Me follows the curve but it makes it's own path not the selected one.
A picture is worth a thousand words so here is the .skp file:
Follow the scenes to see my problem.
It looks to me as if it did exactly what it should have done with Follow Me following the path around the tall part of the thing. It's just that the lid isn't the same shape as the path you're using for Follow Me. Is the lid drawn correctly?
Follow Me follows only one path so if the lid is drawn correctly, you need to approach drawing in the bit under the lid differently. I would split it into sections between corners and use TIGs Extrude tools to draw in the sections. Follow Me wouldn't be appropriate.
My path was around the lid (upper).
The lid originally was the lower body just expanded a little.
I believe I have TIGs Extrude tools.
TIGs Extrude tools are sure fun to play with but so far no success.
To bad this seems like a rather common thing to do even in architecture.
Ok Dave how did you do it??
It looks like TIGS Extrude Edges by Face would be what I want to use but it does not work, for me.
I have the face selected and the path but only get a message box to "Select a Face and Path"
I need to make the angle 70mm deep not the 7mm I had.
My printer is coming in a couple of weeks and I need to have some models ready.
I am in absolute AWE, Dave.
I was able to pull the bottom line down to the 70mm I needed (took a couple of tries).
I still would love to know how you did it.
Plus what you did is a solid I do not have to clean it up at all.
Thanks so much, now I can move on to my destined fate in 3D printing.
Well actually I need to do some severe messing with the model so I'll be back.
I didn't use a plugin for it at all.
I started with the lid and the shape of the base section. (I don't know what those parts are called so I'm making up names.) I also extended the curve at the base of the tab. I selected the inner face and its bounding edges by double clicking the inner face. Then I got the Move tool and while holding Alt to invoke AutoFold, moved the selection down the required distance. It is possible with a shape like this that the bevel won't be exactly accurate all the way around but by turning on Hidden Geometry, deleting some unneeded edges and adding some needed ones, the clean up will go quickly. After the bevel was finished, I just used Push/Pull to extend the base down as needed.
To make it solid you just have to eliminate any internal faces and make sure there are no holes or stray line segments.