Revizto - a first look.
Hey guys, just a heads up on a new product called Revizto.
I downloaded the trial version and gave it a quick once over, seems pretty cool as a collaboration and presentation tool, I first saw the tutorial online and it was unremarkable but decided to try anyway.
I tried one of my old scenes that I thought might test it well, my Dojo scene and was pleasantly surprised by the 1st try quality.
See quick screen capture.
I'll play with a few other scenes and post results, so far so good.
Ohhhh... I like. and only $99? hmmmm... I've been having people download sketchup... This could be better.
Hmm, that's wierd, I posted this issue on the Revizto forum and they suggested sending the model to : so they can evaluate.
I should get them to address this issue on these forums.
During development of product we evaluated hundreds SketchUp models from different authors. It is really possible that we missed something. But with the help of users we may quickly solve almost any problem if we’ll have real samples from real users with complete and exact explanation of possible bug. Its why on our forum posted answer for your post with such request:
“If possible, please send us your SketchUp model for technical evaluation and identification of problem. Please attach screen shot(s) with markers of problem, and your PC requirements (or tablet type, if you are opening there your project).
Use this address for direct email ”PS. In case of direct contact of person having problem or suggestions we may work way faster to identify the problem, corrections or adding new features.
Sorry for my English.
Information is scarse on the Revizto website beyond the basic tutorials, an empty forum and a bsic FAQ, I have invited a moderator to join in the discussion here as I believe we are far more active and will attract a bigger audience.
What I have found so far:
Do not try large models, I tried importing a medium sized model (56mb skp) and it took 17 minutes to import into Revizto, I applied a sky setting and still waiting for it to process, that was 1/2 an hour ago.
Revizto runs on GPU? I will assume this, cannot confirm as website does not say, however when in the Revizto editor my 4gb GPU spins up like a tornado.
Collision control works great, as does the fly and walk mode, however make sure you have a ground plane or else in walk mode you will drop through the ground and keep falling.
Textures can be screwed up on import, still awaiting answers from them.
Reflections are strange, wondering if it's using a skybox to generate global reflections.
I have looked at the gallery at Revizto and believe it needs better images/models to attract users.
There are bugs that need fixing but I believe the price is right for what it offers especially with cloud and collaboration options, I do believe it needs more refinement as far as presenation quality goes however.
Reminds me of a LumenRT lite
The file I tried was 60.9 megs... I'll upload it to my server and email it to them.
It is very worth the cost and I have to support companies trying to deliver top notch tech on that kind of cost. I'm sure they will get it straightened out. I did enjoy the brightness, the fluidity of the walk through... I've been having "advanced clients" download SketchUp free and then sending them their model. This would be much easier.
@solo said:
Do not try large models, I tried importing a medium sized model (56mb skp) and it took 17 minutes to import into Revizto, I applied a sky setting and still waiting for it to process, that was 1/2 an hour ago.
We tried with a huge Revit model, I'm not sure how long it took to process - but what surprised me was that the model was usable. We where able tot walk around with no problems. Which really impressed us as we really expected the software to buckle - heck, even Revit nearly gives up on this model.
@thomthom said:
@solo said:
Do not try large models, I tried importing a medium sized model (56mb skp) and it took 17 minutes to import into Revizto, I applied a sky setting and still waiting for it to process, that was 1/2 an hour ago.
We tried with a huge Revit model, I'm not sure how long it took to process - but what surprised me was that the model was usable. We where able tot walk around with no problems. Which really impressed us as we really expected the software to buckle - heck, even Revit nearly gives up on this model.
I hear the Revit version is more polished and capable than the SU version, which I also hear they are working on getting to the same level, so lets hope they get that done as this could be a great tool.
There appear to be some issues with surfaces with holes in them. They produced what seems to be z-fighting. Even though there apparently isn't any overlapping geometry in the model. (From what I'm told by the guy who's working with the model and testing this.)
@solo said:
Information is scarse on the Revizto website beyond the basic tutorials, an empty forum and a bsic FAQ,
Of course, the product is new and to get all possible questions/answers will take some time to accumulate and put them in FAQ.
@solo said:
What I have found so far:
Do not try large models, I tried importing a medium sized model (56mb skp) and it took 17 minutes to import into Revizto, I applied a sky setting and still waiting for it to process, that was 1/2 an hour ago.
If your model is done by one or many large meshes, then our program automatically split it for many small meshes during loading. It is necessary for different platforms compatibility. For example, the model posted here ( ) is way heavy than yours, but it was done using many small meshes project and loading time is 20 sec on my PC. In future we plan to rework this method and split of meshes will be done during saving the model, if necessary.
@solo said:
Revizto runs on GPU? I will assume this, cannot confirm as website does not say, however when in the Revizto editor my 4gb GPU spins up like a tornado.
Render uses GPU. Conversion/export uses CPU
@solo said:
Collision control works great, as does the fly and walk mode, however make sure you have a ground plane or else in walk mode you will drop through the ground and keep falling.
During export program automatically recognizing the floor or walls like large volume with low amount of vertices. See manual for more details.
If you dislike auto category detection, you may correct it manually. In our program you may define another category of object for any family, say for the indoor stairs created in ScetchUp you are able to use category “stairs”. Then the stairs will be with collision.@solo said:
Textures can be screwed up on import, still awaiting answers from them.
We got the file from Krisidious and begun evaluation of problem.
@solo said:
Reflections are strange, wondering if it's using a skybox to generate global reflections.
We did reflections simplified (fake) to get acceptable FPS in real time running 3D application on different platforms. However for the light maps we are using real world physics calculations. Quality of light maps depends on initial settings. Better quality – long time calculation of the result. For the fast result – low quality settings for calculation. Also, you may convert the model without calculation of light maps – there is present real time light calculation. In this case you will only import the model, set sun settings, select skybox and then export to PC or Mac or/and sync with cloud.
For example our engine realistically calculating complex mix of many different color temperature sources placed together (currently available in Revizto for Revit version, but we are developing special editor of light sources in Revizto for SketchUp version that current users will get as a free update in June-July).@solo said:
I have looked at the gallery at Revizto and believe it needs better images/models to attract users.
Feel free to send us your very nice models that to represent them on our site as demo. And of course we will post in description your name and link to your site with the thanks
. As a former aviation engineer I personally like very much your Phantom model
@solo said:
There are bugs that need fixing but I believe the price is right for what it offers especially with cloud and collaboration options, I do believe it needs more refinement as far as presenation quality goes however.
To work directly with users of Revizto is our goal to polish possible issues on different configurations of user’s PC and complex models. As we all know, no software in the world is free of possible issues. Considering that Product is in its First version it has good stability, although we are working hard to satisfy main use cases of our customers.
@solo said:
Reminds me of a LumenRT lite
Nice product. But Revizto is offering other important features and result of work may be used on different platforms for the following speed up of work and communications between project developers and customers.
@krisidious said:
The file I tried was 60.9 megs... I'll upload it to my server and email it to them.
Thanks a lot!
We got your model and begun evaluation. Please wait. We’ll correct it. However if you’ll try the viewer without calculation of light maps you may see correct 3D scene with right textures.
BTW: your file has been loaded within 2 min on my PC.
Yes, I had no issue with time of import, it was fast and seemed to not have any issue until complete when I saw the mixed textures. The program handled the model size quite well on mine. I never bothered saving it since the textures were mixed.
Oleg, when you take a snapshot in Revizto where does it save to? as I could not find an option to save to a specific location.
Thanks Csaba.
A bit of better AA would be nice but I understand this is not really a "presentation" tool but a collaboration tool for which it is perfect. Unity3D the engine.
@gaieus said:
A bit of better AA would be nice but I understand this is not really a "presentation" tool but a collaboration tool for which it is perfect. Unity3D the engine.
Hmm, interesting, wonder how difficult it would be to get Unity trees into scene or would that be stepping on Lumion toes.