Radial Array
I'm trying to array a rectangle around a circle 12 times to make a clock. I'm following instructions I've found about rotating the rectangle around the circle and clicking when I see 360 in the value control box. However, the angle goes from 353, 354, 355...and then ZERO when i get to the top. I can't seem to type 360 in, either, it doesn't take. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong? I'm not inadvertently moving the rectangle a bit to the left or right, thus starting the rotation over. It just sets to 0 when I do a complete 360.
Thx for any insight!
You can:
- rotate a copy (Ctrl) a little bit an type 30 (for 30° rotation of a copy)
- repeat copy 11x (type 11x in VCB)
- rotate a copy 360°
- type /12 in the VCB
Don't forget to press enter after the angle value and after the division/multiplication.
It seems obvious but sometimes...
It can help to draw a circle or polygon to help you with positioning of your array.
Draw a circle and type (12s) then you can use the endpoints of the sides as reference snapto points. -
Hi folks.
For a clock, typing an angle of 30° and specifying 11 copies is probably the easiest way.
However, to get N copies around a circle, typing 360° and specifying N copies is the best method. You have to type 360 as the angle since, as you already discovered, SKetchUp (SU) revert back to 0 when starting a new rotation. This is logical.
This allows you to specify any number of copies without doing any calculations. Leave SU to do the math.
Don't forget that the last copy (the Nth copy) will be superposed on the original. If this is basic geometry in the same context, it will be merged with the original and there will be no problem. However, if it is a group or a component, the last copy and the original will be superposed. This may cause problem. It is best to delete one of the two occurrences.
Just ideas.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I understand there are work-arounds. However, on this video:
at .45 he rotates the item and it shows 360 in the VCB from rotating, not typing. Yet I can't get it to do that.
Anyhow, about typing -Jean, when do I type 360? I've tried doing it at various points in the operation and none work. I'm able to overtype the angle shown in the VCB, but still, nothing happens. And I am pressing ENTER afterwards.
Remember you don't need to click in the VCB to type.
You can type while the cursor is anywhere as long as you haven't started to do something else.
So one way, CRTL+Click, click and rotate a random number of degrees, click(the rectangle will stop here) and immediately type 360 and hit enter (the rectangle will disappear and 360 will appear in VCB) then type 12/ and hit enter (11 copies should appear around the circle). And remember Jean's note that if it is a group or component you will have an extra one at 12oclock.
Thanks, I finally got it to work (and Cotty's second suggestion worked for me, too). I am just wondering why I can't rotate it and have 360 show up like in the video.