The Next Generation 3D Mouse!
in contrast, check out this thing i saw earlier..
im not saying this thing is awesome in itself but it's moving in the direction in which the computers will be able to further take advantage of what our bodies offer as a means of communication..
but in not much time (pre2020), we'll begin to see more of this stuff and eventually someone is going to really get it right..
(leaving the mycestro collecting dust
and sorry but i guess i'm just in negative nancy mode lately but apple's trackpad is already more powerful and convenient (onboard) than mycestro.
while it looks neato and different etc, it's a novelty as opposed to 'real solution to a real problem'
@unknownuser said:
while it looks neato and different etc, it's a novelty as opposed to 'real solution to a real problem'
Like an iWatch?
@rich o brien said:
@unknownuser said:
while it looks neato and different etc, it's a novelty as opposed to 'real solution to a real problem'
Like an iWatch?
not necessarily.. if the iWatch can get phones out of our pockets etc then i think it's heading in more useful direction..
the thing with apple is they generally make very wise business decisions in what they're going to develop and sell.. they know gimmicks aren't the key to acquiring & maintaining a gazillion dollars in their back pockets..
and i'm saying this from a stance where i don't think that's just my opinion.. their track record shows us that they're not into gimmicks..
oh.. and hey..
all i'm doing here is saying i would not invest my $ in mystroe then try to explain my reasons why.. go ahead and give them all the dough you want..
(but do let me know how it goes in a couple of years)
No one does.....
But I wish you would climb down from your ivory tower every now and again.
Apple is like a tree full of monkeys. Mr Cook looks down and sees lots of smiling faces.
If you look up you see a$$holes
Anyway...back on topic. This device was invented when I was a kid....
@rich o brien said:
No one does.....
But I wish you would climb down from your ivory tower every now and again.
Apple is like a tree full of monkeys. Mr Cook looks down and sees lots of smiling faces.
If you look up you see a$$holes
that's the thing.. i know what you're hearing me as saying anytime i bring up apple..
and on a few occasions, i've even directly said "no, that's not where i'm coming from" or whatever but you don't believe me so what am i supposed to do? nothing really for me to do about it i don't think..i mean i posted this the other day in the watch thread:
..that pretty much sums up how i feel and there's not much other ways i know of to explain it.. -
I'm pulling your leg Jeff....
Apple are great. Look what they did for Adam and Eve
This device is probably one of those 'consign to the never invent again' category.
Remember the Leap Motion ting? Everyone was like 'hey look at's cool' then they release it and people had moved on. $60 to play Fruit Ninja? Like you say something will happen and we'll all go 'man, that just makes so much sense'
But until then all we have is Mac v PC debates to entertain us while you're on leave. Soon we'll loose you again to another bout carpentry.
A couple of alternatives with gesture control